RobWorkProject  23.9.11-
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NrwDeprecated namespace since 16/4-2020 for this class
 NrwlibsExtension libraries for RobWork
 NrwsRobWorkStudio is the visualization framework of RobWork
 NrwsimRobWorkSim is the dynamic simulation framework of RobWork
 NrwsimlibsRobWorkSim libraries: Physics engines, plugins, and script interface
 NrwslibsRobWorkStudio extension libraries
 CBodyControlDialogDialog used to control dynamic bodies in the scene
 CCartesianDeviceTabWidget for moving devices in Cartesian space. For inverse kinematics, the rw::invkin::JacobianIKSolver is used
 CContactTableWidgetA table widget customised for rwsim::contacts::Contact types
 CGLViewRWClass representing an OpenGL based QT Widget for 3D visualization of Drawables
 CGraspRestingPoseDialogGrphical interface for calculating resting configurations of rigid bodies using rigid body physics simulation
 CGraspSelectionDialogGrphical interface for calculating resting configurations of rigid bodies using rigid body physics simulation
 CGraspTableGeneratorPluginGrphical interface for calculating resting configurations of rigid bodies using rigid body physics simulation
 CGTaskVisPluginA plugin that continuesly grasps an object from a target pose whereafter it is lifted to a home pose
 CHelpAssistantHelp assistant for RobWorkStudio
 CImageViewGUI Element for showing RobWork images
 CJointSliderWidgetWidget for a set of joint sliders
 CMovableFrameTabWidget for a adjusting a MovableFrame
 CMovingAverageCalculates the moving average over a continues input of samples
 COSEncapsulates os dependent functionality
 CPlayBackSettingsDialog for changing the settings of playback and recordings
 CPlayerThis is the core functionality of the playback plugin. The controls in PlayBack is forwarded to this utility
 CPropertyViewDialogQt dialog for showing properties in a PropertyMap
 CPropertyViewEditorQt widget for editing a PropertyMap
 CRestingPoseDialogGrphical interface for calculating resting configurations of rigid bodies using rigid body physics simulation
 CRWSimPluginA plugin for loading dynamic workcells and for doing simple dynamics simulation using different physics engines
 CSimTaskPluginA plugin that continuesly grasps an object from a target pose whereafter it is lifted to a home pose
 CSimTaskVisPluginA plugin that continuesly grasps an object from a target pose whereafter it is lifted to a home pose
 CSimUtilityPluginThis plugin defines a set of utilities that are useful for analysis and simulation purposes, that are based on some form of dynamic simulation
 CSliderWidget for jogging a single value, such as the joint of a device or a Cartesian translation/rotation
 CStateDrawInterface for the drawing of the work cell for a given state
 CSupportPoseAnalyserDialogGaphical user interface for calculating support pose and related statistics of multiple objects on some support structure
 CSurfacePoseSamplerRandom sampling of points and orientations close to the surface of a geometry
 CTactileSensorDialogGrphical interface for calculating resting configurations of rigid bodies using rigid body physics simulation
 CThreadSafeStackConcurrent queue of WorkPiles
 CTransformSliderWidgetWidget for a setting a 6D pose