RobWorkProject  23.9.11-
rw::invkin Namespace Reference

Inverse kinematics interfaces and iksolver classes. More...


class  AmbiguityResolver
 Wraps a InvKinSolver and searches for ambiguities due to joint able to rotate \( 2 \ pi \) or more. More...
class  CCDSolver
 This inverse kinematics method is a heuristic search technique called the Cyclic-Coordinate Descent method. The method attempts to minimize position and orientation errors by varying individual joints at a time. More...
class  ClosedFormIK
 Interface for closed form inverse kinematics algorithms. More...
class  ClosedFormIKSolverKukaIIWA
 Analytical inverse solver for the Kuka LBR IIWA 7 R800 robot. More...
class  ClosedFormIKSolverUR
 Analytical inverse kinematics solver to the kinematics of a Universal Robots. More...
class  IKMetaSolver
 Solve the inverse kinematics problem with respect to joint limits and collisions. More...
class  InvKinSolver
 Interface for inverse kinematics algorithms. More...
class  IterativeIK
 Interface for iterative inverse kinematics algorithms. More...
class  IterativeMultiIK
 Interface for iterative inverse kinematics algorithms for problems or devices that utilize more than one end-effector. More...
class  JacobianIKSolver
 A Jacobian based iterative inverse kinematics algorithm for devices with a single end effector. More...
class  JacobianIKSolverM
 A Jacobian based iterative inverse kinematics algorithm for devices with multiple end effectors. More...
class  ParallelIKSolver
 Inverse kinematics method for parallel devices. More...
class  PieperSolver
 Calculates the closed form inverse kinematics of a device using Piepers method. More...

Detailed Description

Inverse kinematics interfaces and iksolver classes.