RobWorkProject  23.9.11-
rw::sensor Namespace Reference

Sensor interfaces. More...


class  Camera
 The Camera class defines a generel interface to a camera. A great deal of the interface resembles the DCAM standard since DCAM allready defines a very wide interface. More...
class  CameraFirewire
 The Camera class defines a generel interface to a camera. A great deal of the interface resembles the DCAM standard since DCAM allready defines a very wide interface. More...
class  CameraListener
 interface used for listening for camera events More...
class  CameraModel
 The CameraModel class defines a generel pinhole camera model where camera parameters and state values are stored. More...
class  Contact2D
 data structure for describing a contact in 2D More...
class  Contact3D
 data structure for describing a contact in 3D More...
class  FTSensor
 Interface of a N-axis Force Torque sensor. More...
class  FTSensorModel
 N-axis Force Torque sensor model. More...
struct  Pixel4f
class  Image
 The image class is a simple wrapper around a char data array. This Image wrapper contain information of width, height and encoding. More...
class  ImageUtil
 a collection of simple image utility functions More...
class  RGBDCameraModel
class  Scanner
 this interface describe a generic range scanning class. More...
class  Scanner1D
 a one dimensional range scanner. More...
class  Scanner25D
 an interface describing a 3D scanner sensor. The scanner takes pictures in the oposite direction of the z-axis of the frame that it is attached to. The x-y plane forms the image plane such that the xy-origin is located in the bottom left corner of the image. More...
class  Scanner25DModel
 Model of a 25D (2D with depth information) scanner. The images are essentially point clouds. More...
class  Scanner2D
 The Scanner2D sensor encapsulate the basic interface of a 2 dimensional range scanning device such as SICK or Hokyuo laser range scanners. More...
class  Scanner2DModel
 The Scanner2DModel encapsulate the basic model of a 2 dimensional range scanning device such as SICK or Hokyuo laser range scanners. More...
class  Sensor
 a generel hardware sensor interface. The sensor should interface to a statefull instance of either a real world sensor or a simulated sensor. The sensor interface acts as a realistic handle to controlling some specific instance of a sensor. More...
class  SensorData
 toplevel class for sensor data. Basicly describes interface for setting and getting timestamps. More...
class  SensorModel
 a general sensormodel interface. The sensormodel describe the model of a sensor and define the data that are part of the State. Much like Device, which describe the kinematic model of a robot. A sensormodel should have a name id and be associated, referenced to some frame in the workcell. More...
class  StereoCameraModel
 The Camera class defines a general interface to a stereo camera. A stereo camera consists of two cameras with the same intrinsic parameters, but with different extrinsic parameters. More...
class  TactileArray
class  TactileArrayModel
 the TactileArrayModel describes tactile sensor consisting of arrays of tactile cells that can be placed on a defined shape. The shape is described with a matrix of 3d vertices. Such that tactil (0,0) maps to the quad defined by the four vertices {(0,0),(0,1),(1,1),(1,0)}. Notice that the normal is defined by sequence of the vertices and that the normal defines the direction of tactile sensing. More...
class  TactileArrayUtil
 Utillity class for general computations on a tactile array. More...

Detailed Description

Sensor interfaces.