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Interfaces for collision checking and distance calculation. More...
Classes | |
class | BVDistanceCalc |
class | SphereDistanceCalc |
class for testing if two Oriented Bounding Boxes are overlapping More... | |
class | BasicFilterStrategy |
a simple rule based broadphase filter strategy. A static frame pair list of frame pairs that is to be checked for collision is maintained. The list is static in the sense that it is not optimized to be changed. However the user can both add and remove new geometries and rules. More... | |
class | CollisionDetector |
The CollisionDetector implements an efficient way of checking a complete frame tree for collisions. More... | |
struct | CollisionResult |
result of a single collision pair More... | |
class | CollisionSetup |
Setup for the collision checker. More... | |
class | CollisionStrategy |
An interface that defines methods to test collision between two objects. More... | |
class | CollisionToleranceStrategy |
This is a collision strategy that detects collisions between objects that are closer than a specified tolerance. More... | |
class | DistanceCalculator |
The DistanceCalculator implements an efficient way of calculating different distances between two objects, each represented by a frame. More... | |
class | DistanceMultiStrategy |
This interface allows the definition of computing all points between two geometric objects that are closer than a specified tolerance. See ProxmityStrategy on how to add geometry to the strategy. More... | |
class | DistanceStrategy |
This is an interface that defines methods for computing the minimum distance between geometric objects. If geometry objects has been related to frames (see ProximityStrategy) then distance functions computing the distance between the geometry attached to frames can also be used. More... | |
class | ProximityCache |
Interface for cache used by ProximityStrategy. More... | |
class | ProximityCalculator |
The Proximity calculator implements an efficient and standardized way of using the following proximity strategies: More... | |
class | ProximityData |
Holds settings and cached data for collision detectors. More... | |
class | ProximityFilter |
this class is used for fetching frame pairs using some proximity filtering strategy. More... | |
class | ProximityFilterStrategy |
describe the interface of a broad phase proximity strategy or proximity culler. More... | |
class | ProximityModel |
Class for managing the collision geometries associated to a frame. More... | |
class | ProximitySetup |
Setup for the collision checker. More... | |
class | ProximitySetupRule |
Rule specifying include/exclude of frame pairs. More... | |
class | ProximityStrategy |
The ProximityStrategy interface is a clean interface for defining methods that are common for different proximity strategy classes. Specifically adding of geometric models and relating them to frames. More... | |
class | ProximityStrategyData |
class | Raycaster |
a raycast implementation that relies on a collision strategy for finding the collision between the ray and the scene. More... | |
class | BTPNode |
this node class stores the bv implicitly and use explicit pointers to its child nodes. This is an inefficient storage method and for general usage the other types should be used. However, there is only a small overhead for adding and deleting nodes so for very dynamic uses this might still be applicable. More... | |
class | BinaryBVTree |
a generic pointer based tree structure. This is not the most efficient structure for bounding volume trees. though it is quite generic and easy to work with because of its pointer based structure. More... | |
struct | PrimArrayAccessor |
Interface for accessing primitives. More... | |
struct | BVTreeIterator |
class | BVTree |
this implementation defines a BVTree structure that use an indexed based storage representation. The implementation does not include functionality for building a BVTree. It is a data structure for accessing nodes in a bounding volume tree. More... | |
class | BVTreeCollider |
this class encapsulates the methods for iterating through two hierachical OBV trees while testing if the BV's are disjoint. More... | |
class | BVTreeColliderFactory |
factory for creating tree colliders. More... | |
class | BVTreeFactory |
factory for creating bounding volume trees. More... | |
class | BVTreeToleranceCollider |
this class encapsulates the methods for iterating through two hierachical OBV trees while testing if the OBV's are disjoint by more than a specified tolerance. More... | |
class | OBVTreeDFSCollider |
this tree collider is used for oriented bounding volumes. The collider traverse the trees in a depth first manner. The DESCENTSTRATEGY is used to choose which node the traversal should pick first. The collider only works on trees of the same type. The BVCOLLIDER and PRIMCOLLIDER is used to check is bounding volumes or primitives are colliding. More... | |
class | ProximityStrategyRW |
This is a strategy wrapper for the distance library PQP (Proximity Query Package). More... | |
class | SAPFilterStrategy |
This is a Sweep-And-Prune based filter strategy (broadphase strategy). More... | |
class | TreeDistanceCalc |
this class encapsulates the methods for iterating through two hierachical BV trees and finding the smallest distance between any triangle in the trees. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef rw::proximity::DistanceStrategy::Result | DistanceResult |
typedef rw::proximity::DistanceMultiStrategy::Result | MultiDistanceResult |
typedef BinaryBVTree< rw::geometry::OBB<>, rw::geometry::Triangle<> > | BinaryOBBPtrTreeD |
typedef BinaryBVTree< rw::geometry::OBB< float >, rw::geometry::Triangle< float > > | BinaryOBBPtrTreeF |
Interfaces for collision checking and distance calculation.