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RobWorkStudio is the visualization framework of RobWork. More...
Classes | |
class | AboutBox |
AboutBox in RobWorkStudio. More... | |
class | ArcBallController |
Use the ArcBallController method to control the camera view point in a scene. More... | |
class | CameraController |
an interface for controlling the camera using a mouse. More... | |
class | FixedAxisController |
the FixedAxis Camera Controller is used to control the camera position and orientation in relation to a pivot point where the rotations generated are around the fixed axis of the world. More... | |
class | ImageUtil |
class | PlotSimpleView |
class | PlotView |
GUI Element for showing RobWork plots. More... | |
class | RobWorkStudio |
main robwork studio class More... | |
class | RobWorkStudioPlugin |
abstract interface for RobWork Studio plugins More... | |
class | RWSImageLoaderPlugin |
A RobWork image loader factory plugin. It adds additional image loader functionality to the rw::loaders::ImageFactory through RobWork plugin structure. More... | |
class | RWSSpinBox |
Implementation of QDoubleSpinBox with better fixup function. More... | |
class | RWStudioView3D |
This class adds RobWorkStudio specific functionality to a WorkCellViewer. More... | |
class | SceneOpenGLViewer |
Class representing an OpenGL based QT Widget for 3D visualization of the SceneGraph SceneOpenGL. More... | |
class | SceneViewerWidget |
Class representing a Qt widget for 3D visualization of a scene. More... | |
class | ChartView |
class | ChartViewGenerator |
class | ChartViewPlugin |
Plugin providing plots based on QChartView. More... | |
class | Jog |
The Jog plugin enables cartesean and joint level jogging of MovableFrames and Devices. Reference frame can freely be choosen and the devices are jogged using general inverse kinematic solvers. More... | |
class | ShowLog |
This plugin registers a number of LogWriters at the Log component such that any output written to info, warning or error logs will be routed to the window of this plugin. More... | |
class | Lua |
this plugin provides access to editing and executing lua commands. More... | |
class | LuaConsoleWidget |
a widget that mimics console functionality for executing lua commands in a RobWorkStudio framework More... | |
class | LuaEditorWindow |
A lua editor and programming pad designed to resemble a teach pendent for devices in RobWorkStudio. More... | |
class | LuaExecutionThread |
this class handles the execution of lua commands such that they are executed in a seperate thread. More... | |
class | Planning |
Planning plugin for basic pathplanning. More... | |
class | PlayBack |
Playback plugin for animation of a rw::trajectory::TimedStatePath . More... | |
class | PropertyView |
Plugin for editing properties. More... | |
class | PyEditor |
This plugin can be used to edit python code and run the code directly from RobWorkStudio. More... | |
class | RobWorkStudioApp |
a RobWorkStudio main application which may be instantiated in its own thread. The app can be started with either a call to the run() function or the start() function depending on weather you want to run it from current thread or start it up in another tread. More... | |
class | Sensors |
Sensor plugin for RobWorkStudio. More... | |
class | SensorView |
A Qt widget for visualization of sensors. More... | |
class | CameraView |
a view to visualize output of a camera More... | |
class | Scan25DView |
a view to visualize the output of 2.5D scanners. More... | |
class | Scan2DView |
a view to visualize the output of 2D scanners. More... | |
class | TreeView |
The TreeView plugin display the kinematic structure of a workcell in a treeview fashion and enables the user to select and do simple manipulation of frames, devices, drawables and so on. More... | |
class | WorkcellEditorWindow |
A workcell editor that enables editing of workcells within RobWorkStudio. More... | |
class | WorkcellEditorPlugin |
this plugin provides access to the workcell editor of RobWorkStudio More... | |
RobWorkStudio is the visualization framework of RobWork.
It depends on Qt and the core RobWork.