RobWorkProject  23.9.11-
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CActionTypeSpecification of Action Type
 CAnalyticUtilUtility functions for functions dealing with analytic geometry
 CAnyPtrSmart pointer that can point to any type, and optionally takes ownership of the object pointer
 CArchiveArchive interface for serializaion classes
 CARWExpandARWExpand expands a random walk in the configuration space by one step
 CARWPlannerAdaptive Random Walk planners
 CAssemblyControlResponseThe output from a AssemblyControlStrategy
 CAssemblyControlStrategyThe interface for control strategies for assembly
 CAssemblyParameterizationInterface for a parameterization that can be used by a AssemblyControlStrategy
 CAssemblyResultA specification of the result from an execution of an AssemblyTask
 CAssemblySimulatorA simulator for execution of AssemblyTasks
 CAssemblyStateInformation about the trajectory of the objects and sensor information during execution
 CAssemblyTaskSpecification of a AssemblyTask
 CMathematica::AutoExpressionConvenience class for automatic Expression deduction
 CBasicGPMImplements a Gradient Projection Method (GPM)
 CBeamGeometryBase class for discrete beam geometries
 CBeamObstaclePlaneA plane obstacle for a beam
 CBeamStartGuessUtility functions for setting starting guesses for a beam model
 CBFGSBFGS is a class including the BFGS minimization algorithm
 CBFGS::BFGS_function_structMinimisation function struct
 CBlend< T >Interface for blending
 CBlend< rw::math::Rotation3D< T > >
 CBlend< rw::math::Transform3D< T > >
 Cblocks< T1, T2, T >A helper class to divide a range into blocks. Used by parallelize_loop() and push_loop()
 CBodyControllerThe body controller is a pure interface through which bodies are controlled
 CBodyInfoBody info holds the values that determine the dynamic behavior of the body, such as mass and inertia
 CBodyIntegratorAbstract class for describing how the motion of a body behaves during a timestep
 CBtBody::BodyMetaDataData structure to attach to bullet bodies, allowing friction and restitution to be specified separately for each pair of bodies
 CBodyUtilUtility functions related to dynamic bodies
 CBoostXMLParser::BoostInitializerUtility class which initializes Boost local static variables
 CBtBodyWrapper class for a bullet btRigidBody, that bridges between RobWork and Bullet
 CBtConstraintAllows constraining the motion between two bodies in Bullet simulation
 CBtDeviceAn interface for Bullet devices
 CBtMaterialUsed as body userdata to be able to determine friction and restitution on contact pairs
 CBTPNode< BV, PRIM >This node class stores the bv implicitly and use explicit pointers to its child nodes. This is an inefficient storage method and for general usage the other types should be used. However, there is only a small overhead for adding and deleting nodes so for very dynamic uses this might still be applicable
 CBtTactileSensorClass for updating SimulatedTactileSensor from Bullet simulation
 CBtUtilUtility functions that allows easy conversion between Bullet and RobWork types
 CBV< DERIVED >General bounding volume class for template inheritance. This class defines methods that a deriving class must implement
 CBV< AABB< T > >
 CBV< rw::geometry::BSphere< double > >
 CBVCollider< COLLIDER, BVTYPE >Abstract class describing interface of a bounding volume collision detector. The inheritance is template based to reduce virtual method overhead
 CBVCollider< OBBCollider< double >, rw::geometry::OBB< double > >
 CBVCollider< OBBToleranceCollider< double >, rw::geometry::OBB< double > >
 CBVCollider< TriTriToleranceIntersect< double >, rw::geometry::Triangle< double > >
 CBVTreeColliderFactory::BVDescentStrategy< DERIVED >Template base class to deside which node to descent into
 CBVTreeColliderFactory::BVDescentStrategy< BalancedDescentStrategy< BVTREE > >
 CBVTreeColliderFactory::BVDescentStrategy< MaxAreaDescentStrategy< BVTREE > >
 CBVDistanceCalc< SphereDistanceCalc< double >, rw::geometry::BSphere< double > >
 CBVDistanceCalc< TriDistanceCalc< double >, rw::geometry::Triangle< double > >
 CBVFactory< BV >Interface of bounding volume factory
 CBVFactory< OBB< double > >
 CBVTreeFactory::BVShellSplitterStrategy< BV >Interface for bounding volume splitting strategy for objects with analytical surfaces
 CBVTreeFactory::BVSplitterStrategy< BV >Interface of bounding volume splitting strategy
 CBVTree< DERIVED >This implementation defines a BVTree structure that use an indexed based storage representation. The implementation does not include functionality for building a BVTree. It is a data structure for accessing nodes in a bounding volume tree
 CBVTree< BinaryBVTree< BV, PRIM > >
 CBVTreeCollider< BVTREE >This class encapsulates the methods for iterating through two hierachical OBV trees while testing if the BV's are disjoint
 CBVTreeCollider< rw::proximity::BinaryBVTree >
 CBVTreeColliderFactoryFactory for creating tree colliders
 CBVTreeFactoryFactory for creating bounding volume trees
 CBVTreeIterator< DERIVED, BV >
 CBVTreeIterator< BTPNode< BV, PRIM >::NodeIterator, BV >
 CBVTreeToleranceCollider< BVTREE >This class encapsulates the methods for iterating through two hierachical OBV trees while testing if the OBV's are disjoint by more than a specified tolerance
 CCache< KEY, VAL >This class is a template for caching
 CCache< CacheKey, btCollisionShape >
 CCache< CacheKey, PQP::PQP_Model >
 CCache< CacheKey, rw::proximity::ProximityStrategyRW::Model >
 CCache< std::string, yaobi::CollModel >
 CCalibrationCalibration represents a kinematic correction
 CCameraControllerInterface for controlling the camera using a mouse
 CCameraGroupA group of cameras
 CCameraListenerInterface used for listening for camera events
 CCameraMatrix< T >The PerspectiveTransform2D is a perspective transform in 2D. The homographic transform can be used to map one arbitrary 2D quadrilateral into another
 CPathAnalyzer::CartesianAnalysisResult struct for Cartesian analysis
 CContactDataMap::ChatterjeeDataData required for the Chatterjee collision model
 CCircleModelModel of a circle, represented as a normal, a center and a radius
 CPathAnalyzer::ClearanceAnalysisResult struct for CleracenAnalysis
 CClearanceCalculatorInterface for ClearanceCalculator
 CClearanceOptimizerThe ClearanceOptimizer implements the C-Retraction algorithms from [1]
 CCNodePairMap< T >This implementation creates an efficient mapping between CNodePair and some user defined type. Lookup and insertion is O(1)
 CCNodePairMap< rwsim::simulator::ConstraintEdge * >
 CCNodePoolInterface for creating and deleting constraintEdges and ConstraintNodes
 CCodeTimerThis class can be used to test how much time is used when executing a part of the code
 CCollisionResult::CollisionPairCollision pair of
 CCollisionResultResult of a single collision pair
 CCollisionSetupSetup for the collision checker
 CDynamicWorkCellBuilder::ColorSchemeColor scheme specification
 CBREP::CommonCurveSetConvenience type for a set of curves in a BREP
 CImplicitBREP::CommonParametricCurveSetConvenience type for a set of curves in a BREP
 CConcatVectorIterator< T >Forward iterator for the concatenation of a pair of vectors of pointers to T
 CConstConcatVectorIterator< T >Forward iterator for the concatenation of a pair of vectors of pointers to T
 CXQPController::ConstraintConstraint for the XQPController
 CLogConstraints::ConstraintInformation for a constraint
 CConstraintFactoryThe ContactModelFactory functions as a mediator to the functionallity that is required by the contact graph
 CConstraintNodeThe ConstraintNode describes a specific object that can be constrained in some way. It is an interface that enables inheriting classes to be used by the ConstraintGraph class. The specific constraints between ConstraintNode's are described by the ConstraintEdge
 CConstraintSolverAbstraction over a constraint solver for dynamics simulations
 CConstVectorIterator< T >Forward iterator for vectors of pointers to const T
 CCollisionStrategy::ContactDescribes a simple collision contact data structure
 CContact2DData structure for describing a contact in 2D
 CContact3DData structure for describing a contact in 3D
 CContactClusterCalculates contact clusters
 CContactDataMapThis class is a storage component for storing collision/contact data information
 CContactDetectorDataContainer for data that is stored by a contact detector between contact detection calls
 CContactDetectorTrackingContainer for meta-data that can be used to track contact across multiple calls to contact detector, and allows attaching user specified data to the contact
 CContactGraphCreates a graph where nodes can be physical, logical and compound entities and the edges between nodes are constraints of some sort
 CContactDetectorTracking::ContactInfoMeta-data for a contact that allows it to be recalculated
 CContactManifoldA contact manifold is an area of contact between two objects, that exists for several timesteps in a simulated environment. For each timestep the manifold is updated with new contact points such that the manifold is dynamic
 CContactModelThe ContactModel describe how impulses between two bodies are calculated and added to the bodies. The contact model is supposed to be used for iterative solving impulses between two bodies
 CContactModelFactoryThe ContactModelFactory functions as a mediator to the functionallity that is required by the contact graph
 CContactPointRepresentation of a contact point
 CContactStrategyDataContainer for data that is stored by contact strategies between contact detection calls
 CContactStrategyTrackingInterface for a container of meta-data that can be used to track contact across multiple calls to a contact strategy, and allows attaching user specified data to the contact
 CContactValidateFilterTests if a contact is valid in respect to some criterias implemented by a sub class
 CContour2DClass representing a 2d contour
 CContour2DInfoMapClass for analysing 2d contours
 CControllerInterface that defines functionality for control of devices and actuators
 CAssemblyControlStrategy::ControlStateDerive from the ControlState class to implement state that is specific to a AssemblyControlStrategy
 CConvexHull2DInterface for convexhull calculators on 2d point sets
 CConvexHull3DInterface for convexhull calculators on 3d point sets
 CConvexHullND< N >Interface for convexhull calculators on 3d point sets
 CCovariance< T >Class for estimating the covariance of different data
 CCSGEngineAn abstact class of the nessesary CSG operations. This is intended to be used in conjuction with SimpleTriMesh
 CCSGModelA CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) model representation
 CCSGModelFactoryFactory class that allows construction of CSG model primitives
 CCSGUtilA CSG utility class
 CCubicSplineFactoryFactory for creating cubic splines
 CCurveCurve is an abstract representation of a smooth curve geometry in 3D
 CDelaunayUtility functions for doing Delaunay triangulations
 CDependencyGraphThis class is used to create a dependency graph between string nodes and to check if any cycles exist in the dependency graph
 CExtension::DescriptorAn extension descriptor
 CDHParameterSetSimple class to help represent a set of Denavit-Hartenberg parameters
 CDiceContactG3DGenerates candidate contact point sets (contact grasps) for grasping a given object. The nr of contacts per grasp is given by the user and a set of possibly good contact grasps are generated
 CPlotView::DispatcherDispatcher for plots
 CPhysicsEngine::DispatcherEach engine implements a dispatcher that creates instances of the engine
 CSimulatorLogEntryWidget::DispatcherDispatchers are responsible for creating new widgets of type SimulatorLogEntryWidget
 CDistanceCalculatorThe DistanceCalculator implements an efficient way of calculating different distances between two objects, each represented by a frame
 CDistanceUtilClass for performing distance calculations between different geometric primitives
 CDOMBasisTypesUtility class to help read in the content of a XML-files parsed with Xerces
 CDOMCoreBasisTypesUtility class to help read in the content of a XML-files parsed with Xerces The Class is part of the core Library in a limited edition. Use DOMBasisTypes for a full implementation
 CDOMCorePropertyMapLoaderClass for loading rw::core::PropertyMap from XML
 CDOMCorePropertyMapSaverClass for saving rw::core::PropertyMap to XML
 CDOMElemWrapper interface for easy access to XML DOM parser. This require an active back-end that does the actual parsing and validation
 CDOMParserInterface for parsing documents in a DOM fasion
 CDOMPathLoaderEnables loading in path file specified in the RobWork Path XML format
 CDOMPathSaverClass used for saving a Path using the RobWork XML Path Format
 CDOMPropertyMapFormatClass storing the identifiers used for properties
 CDOMPropertyMapFormatClass storing the identifiers used for properties
 CDOMPropertyMapLoaderClass for loading rw::core::PropertyMap from XML
 CDOMPropertyMapSaverClass for saving rw::core::PropertyMap to XML
 CDOMProximitySetupLoaderLoader for the XML PropertySetup format
 CDOMProximitySetupSaverClass for saving rw::proximity::ProximitySetup to XML
 CDOMTaskFormatDefinition of the identifier used in the task format
 CDOMTrajectoryLoaderEnables loading in trajectories file specified in the RobWork Trajectory XML format
 CDOMTrajectorySaverClass for saving trajectories to file
 CDOMWorkCellSaverClass for saving a WorkCell to a file
 CDrawableFactoryFactory for construction of drawables based on their type
 CSceneDescriptor::DrawableProxyProxy class to represent some type of loadable and drawable entity
 CDrawableUtilUtility class for drawable stuff
 CDynamicLibraryLoaderBaseBase for DynamicLibraryLoader
 CDynamicUtilUtility functions for calculating dynamic properties
 CDynamicWorkCellDynamicWorkcell class is a container class for dynamic information/data in a workcell, much like WorkCell is a container class for the kinematic information/data in a workcell
 CDynamicWorkCellBuilderHelper for building Dynamic Workcells
 CDynamicWorkCellLoaderClass for loading of dynamic owrkcells
 CDynamicWorkCellSaverClass for saving a WorkCell to a file
 CEBBeamClass for calculating the analytical solution to the Euler-Bernoulli beam model in fixed-free configuration
 CEigenDecomposition< T >Type representing a set of eigen values and eigen vectors
 CLinearAlgebra::EigenMatrix< T >Type for Eigen matrices used to reduce namespace cluttering
 CLinearAlgebra::EigenVector< T >Type for Eigen vectors, used to reduce namespace cluttering
 CEngineTest::EngineLoopInfoThe info passed in a callback function
 CEngineTestGeneric test type for physics engines, which provides a factory for standard tests along with an extension point for user defined tests
 CEntityBase class of object inserted into a Task
 CEntityTypeType of an Entity
 CEvent< CallBackMethod, T1, T2, T3, T4 >Event is used for managing subscribtions and firing of events
 CEvent< BodyChangedListener, BodyEventType >
 CEvent< DWCChangedListener, DWCEventType, boost::any >
 CEvent< FrameSelectedListener, rw::kinematics::Frame * >
 CEvent< GenericAnyEventListener, const std::string &, boost::any >
 CEvent< GenericEventListener, const std::string & >
 CEvent< KeyEventListener, int, Qt::KeyboardModifiers >
 CEvent< MousePressedEventListener, QMouseEvent * >
 CEvent< PositionSelectedListener, const rw::math::Vector3D<> & >
 CEvent< PropertyListener, PropertyBase * >
 CEvent< PropertyListener, PropertyValueBase * >
 CEvent< StateChangedListener, const rw::kinematics::State & >
 CEvent< StateDataAddedListener, const kinematics::StateData * >
 CEvent< StateDataRemovedListener, const kinematics::StateData * >
 CEvent< StateTrajectoryChangedListener, const rw::trajectory::TimedStatePath & >
 CEvent< StateTrajectoryPtrChangedListener, const rw::trajectory::TimedStatePath::Ptr >
 CEvent< WorkCellChangedListener, int >
 CEventListener< CallBackMethod >Structure for data associated to a listener
 CMathematica::ExpressionA representation of a Mathematica expression
 CExtensionUsed to provide additonal functionality from a Plugin to other extension points of either the system or other plugins
 CExtensionPoint< ExtensionInterface >Extension point is a class that defines a point where Extension can be added. This is typically used together with plugins, however any class may register extensions to an extension point
 CExtensionPoint< AssemblyControlStrategy >
 CExtensionPoint< CollisionStrategy >
 CExtensionPoint< CollisionToleranceStrategy >
 CExtensionPoint< CSGEngine >
 CExtensionPoint< Dispatcher >
 CExtensionPoint< DistanceMultiStrategy >
 CExtensionPoint< DistanceStrategy >
 CExtensionPoint< DOMParser >
 CExtensionPoint< EngineTest >
 CExtensionPoint< ImageLoader >
 CExtensionPoint< LuaLibrary >
 CExtensionPoint< Model3DLoader >
 CExtensionPoint< PlotGenerator >
 CExtensionPoint< ProximityStrategy >
 CExtensionPoint< QToTPlanner >
 CExtensionPoint< rw::geometry::GeometryData >
 CExtensionPoint< SimulatorLogEntry >
 CExtensionPoint< SimulatorLogEntryWidget::Dispatcher >
 CExtensionPoint< TaskLoader >
 CExtensionPoint< TaskSaver >
 CExtensionPoint< WorkCellLoader >
 CExtensionRegistryExtension point is a class that defines a point where Extension can be added. This is typically used together with plugins, however any class may register extensions to an extension point
 CBREP::FaceFace concept in the half-edge structure
 CFaceAbstract interface for geometric faces
 CEngineTest::FailureFormat for a failure to an engine test
 CProximityStrategyFCL::FCLModelDatatype to hold the FCL bounding volume and related geometrical data
 CFdUtilVarious numerical methods using finite-differences
 CFileCache< KEY, VAL, STAMP_T >Cache that use a timestamp in combination with a key to determine the uniqueness of an item in the cache
 CFireFunctor< CallBackMethod, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >FireFunctor with 0 arguments
 CFireFunctor< CallBackMethod, _n1, _n1, _n1, _n1, rw::core::_n1 >
 CFireFunctor< CallBackMethod, T1, _n1, _n1, _n1, _n1 >FireFunctor with 1 arguments
 CFireFunctor< CallBackMethod, T1, T2, _n1, _n1, _n1 >FireFunctor with 2 arguments
 CFireFunctor< CallBackMethod, T1, T2, T3, _n1, _n1 >FireFunctor with 3 arguments
 CFireFunctor< CallBackMethod, T1, T2, T3, T4, _n1 >FireFunctor with 4 arguments
 CFKRangeForward kinematics between a pair of frames
 CFKTableForward kinematics for a set of frames
 CFrameGrabberThe FrameGrabber abstract interface, can be used to grab images from a specialized source
 CFrameGrabber25DThe FrameGrabber25D abstract interface, can be used to grab images from a specialized source
 CFrameMap< T >Specialized mapping implementation for frames. It uses the internal structure of Frames to provide fast O(1) lookup for mappings from Frame to anything
 CFrameMap< dynamics::RigidBody * >
 CFrameMap< Eigen::MatrixXd::Index >
 CFrameMap< int >
 CFrameMap< math::Transform3D<> >
 CFrameMap< Ptr< ProximityModel > >
 CFrameMap< rw::core::Ptr >
 CFrameMap< rw::core::Ptr< rw::proximity::ProximityModel > >
 CFrameMap< rwsim::dynamics::RigidBody * >
 CFrameMap< rwsim::simulator::ConstraintNode * >
 CFrameMap< rwsim::simulator::RWBody * >
 CFrameMap< std::map< std::string, rw::core::Ptr< rwsim::contacts::ContactModel > > >
 CFrameMap< std::vector< rw::core::Ptr< rw::geometry::Geometry > > >
 CFrameMap< std::vector< std::string > >
 CFrameTypeEnumeration of all concrete frame types of RobWork
 CFrictionDataDefinition of a friction model
 CFunction< RES_T, ARG_T >Interface for functions
 CFunction< double, double >
 CGeometryClass for representing a geometry that is scaled and transformed, and which is attached to a frame
 CGeometryDataInterface for geometry data
 CBtBody::GeometryMetaDataData structure to attch to bullet collision shapes
 CContactModelGeometry< A, B >::GeometryModel< T >Model for each geometry
 CGeometryUtilUtility functions for calculating properties of geometry
 CGrasp2DGrasp is a set of contacts between the object to be grasped and the robot gripper
 CGrasp3DGrasp is a set of contacts between the object to be grasped and the robot gripper
 CGraspTable::GraspDataData for describing a single grasp
 CGraspPolicyGrasp policy defines how a grasp is executed from some initial configuration
 CGraspQualityMeasure3DInterface for methods evaluating the quality of a specific grasp
 CGraspResultDescribes the result of a single grasp
 CGraspStrategyGraspStrategy define how the initial configuration of a grasping system is generated
 CGraspSubTaskDescribes a sub task of overall grasp task
 CGraspTableA table of grasp configurations that has been generated using a robot hand, a number of preshapes, and some grasp policy
 CGraspTargetRepresents a single target for grasping (described as a pose), and its result
 CGraspTaskA container for describing one or multiple grasping tasks. It is based on the rwlibs::tasks library
 CGraspTaskSimulatorA class for simulating multiple grasping tasks
 CGraspValidateFilterTests if a grasp is valid in respect to some criterias implemented by a sub class
 CBREP::HalfEdgeHalf-edge structure
 CHelpAssistantHelp assistant for RobWorkStudio
 CHyperSphereA hyper-sphere of K dimensions
 CImageThe image class is a simple wrapper around a char data array. This Image wrapper contain information of width, height and encoding
 CImageLoaderImage loader interface
 CImageUtilCollection of simple image utility functions
 CIndexedArray< OBJ, T >
 CIndexedFaceArray::IndexedFaceStructure that holds information for each face
 CIndexedQuadraticFaceArray::IndexedFaceStructure that holds information for each face
 CIndexedPolygon< T >Indexed polygon class that saves N indices to the N vertices of the polygon
 CIndexedPolygon< uint16_t >
 CIndexedTriangle< T >Indexed triangle class that has 3 indices that points to 3 vertices in an array typically used with the IndexedTriMesh class. the indice type (size) is templated
 CIndexedTriangle< T >
 CIndexedTriangleN1< T >Indexed triangle class with an additional index for an face normal
 CIndexedTriangleN3< T >Indexed triangle class with an additional index for 3 normals one for each vertice in the triangle
 CInertiaMatrix< T >A 3x3 inertia matrix
 CDOMCoreBasisTypes::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMCorePropertyMapLoader::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMCorePropertyMapSaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMPropertyMapFormat::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMBasisTypes::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMPathLoader::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMPathSaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMPropertyMapFormat::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMPropertyMapLoader::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMPropertyMapSaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMProximitySetupSaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMTrajectoryLoader::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMTrajectorySaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLBasisTypes::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLPathFormat::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLPathLoader::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLPathSaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLPropertyFormat::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLPropertyLoader::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLPropertySaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLProximitySetupFormat::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLProximitySetupLoader::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLTrajectoryFormat::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLTrajectoryLoader::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLTrajectorySaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMTaskFormat::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CDOMTaskSaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLTaskFormat::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLTaskLoader::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CXMLTaskSaver::InitializerUtility class which initializes local static variables
 CInterpolator< T >Interface for interpolators
 CInterpolator< double >
 CInterpolator< rw::math::Quaternion< T > >
 CInterpolator< rw::math::Rotation3D< T > >
 CInterpolator< rw::math::Transform3D< T > >
 CInterpolator< rw::math::Transform3DVector< T > >
 CInterpolator< rw::math::Vector3D< T > >
 CInterpolator< V >
 CInterpolatorUtilUtilities used in the implementation of various interpolators and blends
 CIntersectUtilUtility class for calculating intersection points between geometry primitives
 CInvKinSolverInterface for inverse kinematics algorithms
 CIOUtilCollection of IO related utilities
 CIterativeMultiIKInterface for iterative inverse kinematics algorithms for problems or devices that utilize more than one end-effector
 CDOMElem::IteratorDOMElem iterator based on concrete ItImpl implementations
 CDOMElem::ItImplThe DOMElem Iterator is initialized with a specific implementation of this interface
 CJacobianA Jacobian class. A jacobian with m rows and n columns
 CJacobianCalculatorJacobianCalculator provides an interface for obtaining a Jacobian
 CJacobianUtilPrimitive utilities for computing jacobians for joints of various types
 CPathAnalyzer::JointSpaceAnalysisResult struct for joint space analysis
 CKDTree< KEY, DIM >::KDNodeStruct for the node in the tree
 CKDTreeQ< VALUE_TYPE >::KDNodeStruct for the node in the tree
 CKDTree< KEY, DIM >::KDResult
 CKDTree< KEY, DIM >Space partitioning structure for organizing points in k-dimensional space. Used for searches involving multi.dimensional search keys, including nearest neighbor and range search
 CKinematicBody::KinematicBodyStateState data for a kinematic body
 CKinematicsUtility functions for the rw::kinematics module
 CConstraint::LimitDefinition of a limit for one single degree of freedom
 CLine2DDescribes a line segment in 2D
 CLine2DPolarDescribes a line in 2D in polar coordinates
 CLinearAlgebraCollection of Linear Algebra functions
 CMathematica::LinkRepresentation of a link
 CLogProvides basic log functionality
 CLogWriterWrite interface for Logs
 CLuaStateRobwork wrapper for the lua_State struct. The standard robwork lua libs will be initialized automatically. Also this provides an extension point for adding user defined lua enabled libraries
 CEigenDecomposition< T >::MapSortSort function for ordering of eigen values and vectors
 CModel3D::MaterialDescribes material properties. A material can be either simple or "advanced" and in both cases it can be textured. A simple material is described by a 4-tuple of RGBA values. The advanced material defines multiple properties: diffuse, ambient, emissive, specular, shininess and transparency
 CMaterialDataMapA map of materials and friction models defined between materials
 CObject3DGeneric::MaterialMapDataMapping from triangles to materials
 CObject3DGeneric::MaterialPolysOrdering polygons by material consumes more memmory but reduce switches between textures. All indices _subFaces share material _matIndex
 CMathUtility functions for the rw::math module
 CMathematicaImplementation of the Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP) to allow communication with Mathematica
 CMessageStandard type for user messages of robwork
 CMetric< T >Template interface for metrics on type T
 CMetric< rw::geometry::Line >
 CMetric< rw::geometry::Plane >
 CMetric< rw::math::Rotation3D< T > >
 CMetric< rw::math::Transform3D< T > >
 CMetricFactoryMetric constructor functions
 CMetricUtilVarious metrics and other distance measures
 CModel3D3d model that has geometry but also material and color. he model can be composed of multiple objects that are connected in a hierarchical manner. The model is designed for efficient drawing and as such special structures are used to order the indexes such that efficient drawing is possible
 CModel3DFactoryFactory for construction of drawables based on their type
 CModel3DLoaderInterface for classes that are able to load 3d models
 CModelsUtility functions for the rw::models module
 CModRusselBeamBaseBase class for implementing Modified Russel beam problems
 CRecursiveNewtonEuler::MotionMotion of a body defined as velocity and acceleration
 CMotionTypeSpecification of Action Type
 CMovingAverageCalculates the moving average over a continues input of samples
 Cmulti_future< T >A helper class to facilitate waiting for and/or getting the results of multiple futures at once
 CContactDataMap::NewtonDataData required for the Newton collision model
 CNullSpaceProjectionPerforms a projection in the null space of the device Jacobian to move joints away from singularities
 COBRManifoldContact manifold based on Oriented Bounding Rectangle, so in 2D
 COBV< DERIVED >General oriented bounding volume class
 COBV< OBB< double > >
 CODEBodyConvienience class for bridging RWSim body states with ode body states. Properties of the objects such as MaterialID, collision reduction threshold is kept per instance
 CODEConstraintAllows constraining the motion between two bodies in ODE simulation
 CODEDeviceInterface for classes (ODEDevices) that control a set of ode bodies that map to a RWSim dynamic device type
 CODEJointThis class bridges ODE's joints with RobWork joints. The joint is a pure constraint type and hence does not have any geometry. It does however constraint two geometrical bodies together
 CODEMaterialMapThe ODE material map is responsible for the modelling of contact dynamics, such as friction and restitution phenomena
 CODEThreadingUtility functions related to the use of Open Dynamics Engine from multiple threads
 COSEncapsulates os dependent functionality
 CPairMap< T1, T2 >Specialized mapping implementation for pairs. It uses the internal structure of template T1 to provide fast O(1) lookup for mappings from a Pair to anything. The order of the Pairs does not matter
 CPairMap< rw::core::Ptr< const Frame >, T >
 CParallelLegClass representing a single leg in a ParallelDevice
 CPartialIndexTable< T, Cell >Provides an Partial Index Table to be used for nearest neighbor search
 CPathAnalyzerThe PathAnalyzer provides a set a basic tools for analyzing a path
 CPathLengthOptimizerThe PathLengthOptimizer implements the 3 different path length optimizers presented in [1]
 CPathLoaderLoad and store for various types of paths
 CPathLoaderCSVLoader for .csv files
 CPathPlanner< From, To, Path >Path planner interface
 CPathPlanner< rw::math::Q, const rw::math::Q >
 CPathPlanner< rw::math::Q, const rw::math::Transform3D< double > >
 CPathPlanner< rw::math::Q, QSampler >
 CPathPlanner< rw::math::Q, rw::trajectory::Transform3DTrajectory::Ptr >
 CPDParamStruct for holding PD parameters
 CPerspectiveTransform2D< T >The PerspectiveTransform2D is a perspective transform in 2D
 CPhysicsEngineA general physics engine interface for simulating dynamics of objects and robot devices
 CPlanarSupportPoseGeneratorCalculates the stable poses of an object when the support structure is planar
 CPlannerConstraintA tuple of (QConstraintPtr, QEdgeConstraintPtr)
 CPlannerUtilPlannerUtil provides various utilities useful in path planning
 CPlotInterface for generation of plot images
 CPlotGeneratorInterface for for plot generators
 CPlotViewGUI Element for showing RobWork plots
 CPluginInterface for defining dynamically loadable plugins that define extensions and extension points
 CPluginFactoryBaseBase class for PluginFactory
 CPluginRepositoryThe PluginRepository provides a container load methods for plugins
 CContour2D::PointPoint description of the contour
 CPolygon< T >Indexed polygon class that saves N indices to the N vertices of the polygon
 CPolygonUtilUtility functions for operations on polygons, such as convex partitioning
 CPolynomialND< Coef, Scalar >Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix)
 CPolynomialND< double, double >
 CPolynomialSolverFind solutions for roots of real and complex polynomial equations
 CPose2D< T >A Pose3D \( \mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^6 \) describes a position and orientation in 3-dimensions
 CPose6D< T >A Pose6D \( \mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^6 \) describes a position and orientation in 3-dimensions
 CPreshapeGraspStrategyThis strategy samples
 CPrimArrayAccessor< PRIM >Interface for accessing primitives
 CPrimArrayAccessor< PRIMType >
 CPrimArrayAccessor< rw::geometry::GenericFace >
 CPrimArrayAccessor< rw::geometry::Triangle< T > >
 CProgramOptionsClass for parsing program command line into a PropertyMap
 CProjectionMatrixProjection matrix
 CPropertyBaseBase class for Property handling
 CPropertyMapContainer for a collection of Property Objects
 CPropertyTypeRepresents type of a property
 CPropertyValueBaseBase class for Property handling
 CProximityCacheInterface for cache used by ProximityStrategy
 CProximityCalculator< T >The Proximity calculator implements an efficient and standardized way of using the following proximity strategies:
 CProximityCalculator< rw::proximity::CollisionStrategy >
 CProximityDataHolds settings and cached data for collision detectors
 CProximityFilterThis class is used for fetching frame pairs using some proximity filtering strategy
 CProximityFilterStrategyDescribe the interface of a broad phase proximity strategy or proximity culler
 CProximityModelClass for managing the collision geometries associated to a frame
 CProximitySetupSetup for the collision checker
 CProximitySetupRuleRule specifying include/exclude of frame pairs
 CProximityStrategyThe ProximityStrategy interface is a clean interface for defining methods that are common for different proximity strategy classes. Specifically adding of geometric models and relating them to frames
 CProximityStrategyFactoryFactory class that enables constructing collision strategies
 CPtr< T >Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value
 CPtr< ARWExpand >
 CPtr< Body >
 CPtr< BodyController >
 CPtr< boost::property_tree::ptree >
 CPtr< btCollisionObject >
 CPtr< Camera >
 CPtr< CameraController >
 CPtr< CameraGroup >
 CPtr< CameraModel >
 CPtr< class rw::geometry::Geometry >
 CPtr< class rw::graphics::WorkCellScene >
 CPtr< class rw::models::Device >
 CPtr< class rw::models::JacobianCalculator >
 CPtr< CollisionDetector >
 CPtr< const LinkImpl >
 CPtr< const rw::geometry::Geometry >
 CPtr< const rw::geometry::ImplicitSurface >
 CPtr< const rw::geometry::QuadraticShell >
 CPtr< const rw::geometry::QuadraticSurface >
 CPtr< const rw::geometry::Shell >
 CPtr< const rw::geometry::Surface >
 CPtr< const rw::kinematics::Frame >
 CPtr< const rw::models::Device >
 CPtr< const rw::models::SerialDevice >
 CPtr< const rw::models::WorkCell >
 CPtr< const rw::pathplanning::QConstraint >
 CPtr< const rw::pathplanning::StateConstraint >
 CPtr< const rw::proximity::DistanceCalculator >
 CPtr< const rwlibs::mathematica::Mathematica::Expression >
 CPtr< const rwlibs::pathoptimization::ClearanceCalculator >
 CPtr< const rwsim::contacts::ContactDetector >
 CPtr< const rwsim::dynamics::Constraint >
 CPtr< const rwsim::dynamics::DynamicWorkCell >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogCollisionResult >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogConstraints >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogContactSet >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogContactVelocities >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogDistanceMultiResult >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogDistanceResult >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogEquationSystem >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogForceTorque >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogMessage >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogPositions >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogValues >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::LogVelocities >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::SimulatorLog >
 CPtr< const rwsim::log::SimulatorStatistics >
 CPtr< const Shell >
 CPtr< ControllerModel >
 CPtr< CSGEngine >
 CPtr< csgjs_model >
 CPtr< Device >
 CPtr< DistanceMultiStrategy >
 CPtr< DOMElem >
 CPtr< DrawableGeometryNode >
 CPtr< DrawableNode >
 CPtr< DynamicDevice >
 CPtr< DynamicSimulator >
 CPtr< DynamicWorkCell >
 CPtr< EngineTest >
 CPtr< Expression >
 CPtr< fclCollisionGeometry >
 CPtr< FixedFrame >
 CPtr< Frame >
 CPtr< FrameGrabber25D >
 CPtr< Geometry >
 CPtr< GeometryData >
 CPtr< GraspResult >
 CPtr< GraspTask >
 CPtr< GroupNode >
 CPtr< Image >
 CPtr< InvKinSolver >
 CPtr< IterativeIK >
 CPtr< JointDevice >
 CPtr< Log >
 CPtr< LogWriter >
 CPtr< Object >
 CPtr< Path< TimedState > >
 CPtr< placeholder >
 CPtr< Plane >
 CPtr< Player >
 CPtr< PointCloud >
 CPtr< PQP::PQP_Model >
 CPtr< PropertyMap >
 CPtr< ProximityModel >
 CPtr< QConstraint >
 CPtr< QEdgeConstraint >
 CPtr< QEdgeConstraintIncremental >
 CPtr< QToQPlanner >
 CPtr< Render >
 CPtr< RigidBody >
 CPtr< RobWork >
 CPtr< rw::common::ThreadPool >
 CPtr< rw::common::ThreadTask >
 CPtr< rw::core::Log >
 CPtr< rw::core::LogWriter >
 CPtr< rw::core::PropertyMap >
 CPtr< rw::core::RobWork >
 CPtr< rw::geometry::ConvexHull3D >
 CPtr< rw::geometry::Geometry >
 CPtr< rw::geometry::IndexedTriMeshN0< float, uint16_t > >
 CPtr< rw::geometry::Model3D >
 CPtr< rw::geometry::PlainTriMesh< rw::geometry::Triangle<> > >
 CPtr< rw::geometry::QHullND< 6 > >
 CPtr< rw::geometry::TriMesh >
 CPtr< rw::geometry::TriMeshData >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::DrawableGeometryNode >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::DrawableNode >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::GroupNode >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::Render >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::RenderFrame >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::SceneCamera >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::SceneDescriptor >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::SceneGraph >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::TextureData >
 CPtr< rw::graphics::WorkCellScene >
 CPtr< rw::graspplanning::GraspTable >
 CPtr< rw::invkin::IterativeIK >
 CPtr< rw::invkin::JacobianIKSolver >
 CPtr< rw::kinematics::Frame >
 CPtr< rw::kinematics::MovableFrame >
 CPtr< rw::kinematics::State >
 CPtr< rw::kinematics::StateCache >
 CPtr< rw::kinematics::StateData >
 CPtr< rw::kinematics::StateSetup >
 CPtr< rw::kinematics::StateStructure >
 CPtr< rw::math::Metric< KEY > >
 CPtr< rw::models::Device >
 CPtr< rw::models::JacobianCalculator >
 CPtr< rw::models::JointDevice >
 CPtr< rw::models::WorkCell >
 CPtr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint >
 CPtr< rw::pathplanning::QEdgeConstraint >
 CPtr< rw::pathplanning::QSampler >
 CPtr< rw::proximity::BasicFilterStrategy >
 CPtr< rw::proximity::BVTreeCollider< rw::proximity::BinaryBVTree > >
 CPtr< rw::proximity::CollisionDetector >
 CPtr< rw::proximity::CollisionSetup >
 CPtr< rw::proximity::CollisionStrategy >
 CPtr< rw::proximity::DistanceStrategy >
 CPtr< rw::proximity::ProximityCache >
 CPtr< rw::proximity::ProximityFilterStrategy >
 CPtr< rw::proximity::ProximityModel >
 CPtr< rw::sensor::Camera >
 CPtr< rw::sensor::FTSensorModel >
 CPtr< rw::sensor::Image >
 CPtr< rw::sensor::Scanner25D >
 CPtr< rw::sensor::SensorModel >
 CPtr< rw::sensor::TactileArrayModel >
 CPtr< rw::trajectory::Trajectory< rw::math::Q > >
 CPtr< rw::trajectory::Trajectory< rw::math::Rotation3D<> > >
 CPtr< rw::trajectory::Trajectory< rw::math::Transform3D<> > >
 CPtr< rw::trajectory::Trajectory< rw::math::Vector3D<> > >
 CPtr< rwlibs::algorithms::XQPController >
 CPtr< rwlibs::assembly::AssemblyControlStrategy >
 CPtr< rwlibs::assembly::AssemblyParameterization >
 CPtr< rwlibs::assembly::AssemblyRegistry >
 CPtr< rwlibs::assembly::AssemblyResult >
 CPtr< rwlibs::assembly::AssemblyTask >
 CPtr< rwlibs::control::JointController >
 CPtr< rwlibs::mathematica::Mathematica::String >
 CPtr< rwlibs::opengl::Drawable >
 CPtr< rwlibs::opengl::RenderForceTorque >
 CPtr< rwlibs::opengl::RenderFrame >
 CPtr< rwlibs::opengl::RenderLines >
 CPtr< rwlibs::opengl::RenderPointCloud >
 CPtr< rwlibs::opengl::RenderScan >
 CPtr< rwlibs::opengl::RWGLTexture >
 CPtr< rwlibs::proximitystrategies::ProximityStrategyPQP >
 CPtr< rwlibs::simulation::FrameGrabber >
 CPtr< rwlibs::simulation::FrameGrabber25D >
 CPtr< rwlibs::simulation::SimulatedScanner25D >
 CPtr< rwlibs::simulation::SimulatedScanner2D >
 CPtr< rwlibs::simulation::SimulatedSensor >
 CPtr< rwlibs::swig::LuaState >
 CPtr< rwlibs::task::GraspTask >
 CPtr< rws::RobWorkStudio >
 CPtr< rws::SensorView >
 CPtr< rwsim::contacts::BaseContactDetector >
 CPtr< rwsim::contacts::ContactDetector >
 CPtr< rwsim::contacts::ContactDetectorData >
 CPtr< rwsim::contacts::ContactModel >
 CPtr< rwsim::contacts::ContactStrategy >
 CPtr< rwsim::control::BodyController >
 CPtr< rwsim::drawable::RenderCircles >
 CPtr< rwsim::drawable::RenderPoints >
 CPtr< rwsim::drawable::SimulatorDebugRender >
 CPtr< rwsim::dynamics::Body >
 CPtr< rwsim::dynamics::DynamicDevice >
 CPtr< rwsim::dynamics::DynamicWorkCell >
 CPtr< rwsim::dynamics::FixedBody >
 CPtr< rwsim::dynamics::KinematicBody >
 CPtr< rwsim::dynamics::KinematicDevice >
 CPtr< rwsim::dynamics::RigidBody >
 CPtr< rwsim::dynamics::RigidDevice >
 CPtr< rwsim::dynamics::SuctionCup >
 CPtr< rwsim::log::LogConstraints >
 CPtr< rwsim::log::LogContactSet >
 CPtr< rwsim::log::LogPositions >
 CPtr< rwsim::log::SimulatorLogScope >
 CPtr< rwsim::log::SimulatorStatistics >
 CPtr< rwsim::sensor::BodyContactSensor >
 CPtr< rwsim::sensor::SimulatedTactileSensor >
 CPtr< rwsim::simulator::DynamicSimulator >
 CPtr< rwsim::simulator::GraspTaskSimulator >
 CPtr< rwsim::simulator::ODEDebugRender >
 CPtr< rwsim::simulator::PhysicsEngine >
 CPtr< rwsim::simulator::ThreadSimulator >
 CPtr< rwsim::util::GraspPolicy >
 CPtr< rwsim::util::GraspStrategy >
 CPtr< rwsim::util::SimStateConstraint >
 CPtr< rwsim::util::StateSampler >
 CPtr< SBLExpand >
 CPtr< Scanner25DModel >
 CPtr< Scanner2DModel >
 CPtr< SceneCamera >
 CPtr< SceneGraph >
 CPtr< SceneNode >
 CPtr< SceneOpenGL >
 CPtr< SceneViewer >
 CPtr< SensorModel >
 CPtr< SimulatedController >
 CPtr< Simulator >
 CPtr< SimulatorDebugRender >
 CPtr< StateDraw >
 CPtr< StateSampler >
 CPtr< StateStructure >
 CPtr< std::vector< float > >
 CPtr< std::vector< rw::math::Vector3D< float > > >
 CPtr< std::vector< size_t > >
 CPtr< std::vector< ValueType > >
 CPtr< Strategy >
 CPtr< String >
 CPtr< Symbol >
 CPtr< TactileArrayModel >
 CPtr< Target< T > >
 CPtr< TaskBase >
 CPtr< TestHandle >
 CPtr< TriangleArray >
 CPtr< TriMesh >
 CPtr< TriMeshData >
 CPtr< ValueMatrix >
 CPtr< ValueType >
 CPtr< VertexArray >
 CPtr< View >
 CPtr< WorkCell >
 CPtr< WorkCellScene >
 CPtr< yaobi::CollModel >
 CPythonRunnerClass for running multiple python environments in a threadsafe manner
 CQConfiguration vector
 CQConstraintInterface for the checking for collisions for work cell states
 CQEdgeConstraintEdge constraint interface
 CQEdgeConstraintIncrementalEdge constraint interface for incremental testing of an edge
 CQIKSamplerInterface for the sampling a configuration that solves an IK problem
 CQNormalizerNormalization of configurations
 CQPSolverClass providing an algorithms for solving the quadratic optimization problem associated with the QPController
 CQSamplerInterface for the sampling a configuration
 CQStateThe configuration state of a work cell
 CQuadraticTestObjectsLibrary of objects that are made up of Quadratic surfaces
 CQuadraticUtilUtility functions for operations on quadratic surfaces and curves
 CCollisionDetector::QueryResultResult of a collision query
 CRaycaster::QueryResultResult of a Raycast query. All contact information are described in ray coordinate frame
 CRandomGeneration of random numbers
 CRANSACModel< MODEL, DATA >An interface for RANSAC model fitting
 CRANSACModel< LineModel, rw::math::Vector3D<> >
 CRANSACModel< PlaneModel, rw::math::Vector3D<> >
 CRANSACModel< PointModel, rw::math::Vector3D<> >
 CRANSACModel< StablePose0DModel, rw::math::Rotation3D<> >
 CRANSACModel< StablePose1DModel, rw::math::Rotation3D<> >
 CRANSACModel< StructuredLineModel, rw::math::Vector3D<> >
 CRawArrayUtilUtility for the RawArray type
 CRaycasterRaycast implementation that relies on a collision strategy for finding the collision between the ray and the scene
 CRecursiveNewtonEulerThe recursive Newton-Euler method is used for calculating inverse dynamics of a kinematic tree
 CReferencedTriangleThe ReferencedTriangle contains a reference to the mesh it has been created from. Therefore any changes to the triangle wil be reflected in the original mesh
 CReferencedVerticeThe ReferencedVertice contains a reference to the mesh it has been created from. Therefore any changes to the vertice wil be reflected in the original mesh
 CRenderAbstract base class for all renderable classes
 CDrawableNode::RenderInfoInformation for rendering
 CRenderUtilCollection of utillities for rendering
 CRestingPoseGeneratorFinds resting poses of a dynamic scene
 CDistanceMultiStrategy::ResultDistanceResult contains basic information about the distance result between two frames
 CDistanceStrategy::ResultDistanceResult contains basic information about the distance result between two sets of geometries. These geometry sets
 CEngineTest::ResultA result of an engine test. Each test can return multiple results
 CLogCollisionResult::ResultInfoThe result including info about the ProximityModels
 CLogDistanceMultiResult::ResultInfoThe result including info about the ProximityModels
 CLogDistanceResult::ResultInfoThe result including info about the ProximityModels
 CRigidBodyInfoA class to wrap rigid body information
 CRigidBody::RigidBodyStateThe state of a rigid body
 CRobWorkRobWork instance which holds objects to be shared among multiple plugins
 CRobWorkStudioAppRobWorkStudio main application which may be instantiated in its own thread. The app can be started with either a call to the run() function or the start() function depending on weather you want to run it from current thread or start it up in another tread
 CRotation2D< T >A 2x2 rotation matrix \( \mathbf{R}\in SO(2) \)
 CRotation2D< double >
 CRotation2DVector< T >
 CRotation3D< T >A 3x3 rotation matrix \( \mathbf{R}\in SO(3) \)
 CRotation3D< double >
 CRotation3D< float >
 CRotation3D< T >
 CRotation3DVector< T >An abstract base class for Rotation3D parameterisations
 CRotation3DVector< double >
 CRRTNode< X >Node type for trees of RRT based planners
 CRRTPlannerRRT based planners
 CRRTQToQPlannerRapidly Expanding Random Tree based planners for the QToQPlanner type of planning problem
 CRRTTree< X >Tree data type for RRT based planners
 CRusselIntegrandImplementation of the Modified Russel energy density functions
 CRWBodyPoolInterface for creating and deleting constraintEdges and ConstraintNodes. ConstraintEdges are frequently created and deleted so efficient data structures are here needed
 CRWGLFrameBufferClass for off-screen GL rendering
 CRWGLTextureTexture class that wraps the construction of opengl textures
 CSBLExpandInterface for sampling a configuration in the vicinity of some other configuration
 CSBLInternalInternal algorithms used by the SBLPlanner
 CSBLOptionsSBL planner setup
 CSBLPlannerSBL based planners
 CSBLPlannerConstraintA SBL planner constraint
 CSBLSetupCommon parameters for SBL based planners
 CScapePoseFormatSaving object poses in Scape format
 CSceneDescriptorThe scene descriptor describe any visualization related details of a workcell. This is typically models, visual state, highlighted state and lighting details. All information is related to frames and objects
 CSceneGraphInterface for a minimalistic scenegraph that does not depend on the frame structure. See WorkCellScene for an implementation that wraps this interface to enable a more RobWork specific use
 CSceneNodeNode that can have leafs (DrawableNode) or other nodes as children
 CSceneViewerInterface for viewing a scene graph
 CScopedTimerTimes what is executed in a scope
 CSensorGenerel hardware sensor interface. The sensor should interface to a statefull instance of either a real world sensor or a simulated sensor. The sensor interface acts as a realistic handle to controlling some specific instance of a sensor
 CSensorDataToplevel class for sensor data. Basicly describes interface for setting and getting timestamps
 CSerializableInterface for defining serialization of classes. If a class cannot inherit the Serializable because of non-access to code then one can instead provide overloaded read/write methods to perform the serialization
 CSimulatorInterface of a general simulator
 CSimulatorLogUtilUtility to make it more convenient to write to a SimulatorLogScope
 CSimulatorStatisticsStatistics utility for automatic generation of data set based on a SimulatorLogScope
 CSolverInfoParameters for the constraint solver
 CContactStrategyData::SpecificDataBase class that can be extended to implement strategy-specific data
 CSpringJointController::SpringParamParameters of a 1 dof spring
 CConstraint::SpringParamsParameters for a spring
 CStablePlanePoseCalculate the stable poses of an object lying on a planar support structure
 CStateCacheBasic building block for the stateless desing using the StateStructure class. A StateCache represents a size, a unique id, and a unique name, when inserted into the StateStructure. The size will allocate "size"-doubles in State objects originating from the StateStructure
 CStateConstraintInterface for the checking for collisions for work cell states
 CStateDataBasic building block for the stateless design using the StateStructure class. A StateData represents a size, a unique id, and a unique name, when inserted into the StateStructure. The size will allocate "size"-doubles in State objects originating from the StateStructure
 CStateDrawInterface for the drawing of the work cell for a given state
 CStatelessInterface for a stateless or typically a part stateless class
 CStatelessData< DATA >Class for enabling statelessness in classes that are data containers
 CStatelessData< char >
 CStatelessData< double >
 CStatelessData< FTStateData >
 CStatelessData< int >
 CStatelessData< rw::math::Wrench6D<> >
 CStatelessData< rwsim::dynamics::KinematicBody::KinematicBodyState >
 CStatelessData< rwsim::dynamics::RigidBody::RigidBodyState >
 CStateSamplerInterface for generating states
 CStateSetupUtility class to help construct a State
 CStateStructureStateStructure is responsible for handling a structure of StateData and Frames
 CStatistics< T >Class for collecting data and calculating simple statistics
 CSTLFileStatic methods for reading and writing geometry to and from STL files
 CStopCriteriaStopCriteria is a class for specifying an instant a compution should be aborted
 CContactStrategyTracking::StrategyDataBase struct that can be extended for strategy specific data
 CContactDetector::StrategyTableRowOne row in the strategy table, with a priority, match-rules, a strategy and associated ContactModels
 CStringUtilCollection of string manipulation utilities
 CSurfaceSurface is an abstract representation of a smooth surface geometry
 Csynced_streamA helper class to synchronize printing to an output stream by different threads
 CSyncVelocityRampProvides generation of synchronized velocity ramps for a device
 CTactileArrayUtilUtillity class for general computations on a tactile array
 CParallelIKSolver::TargetA target definition used in the multi-target solve function
 CTaskLoaderInterface for loaders of the task format
 CTaskSaverInterface for savers of the task format
 CTaskUtilsCollection of utility function associated to tasks
 CEngineTest::TestHandleHandle for a concrete test run, which makes it possible to interact with the test during simulation
 Cthread_poolA fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool class
 CThreadPoolA thread pool that can be assigned work
 CThreadSafeQueue< T >Queue class which is thread safe, eg. multiple threads may use it at the same time
 CThreadSafeStack< T >Concurrent queue of WorkPiles
 CThreadSafeStack< T >Concurrent queue of WorkPiles
 CThreadSafeStack< RestingConfig >
 CThreadSafeVariable< T >A thread safe protected variable
 CThreadSafeVariable< bool >
 CThreadSafeVariable< ParentCallback >
 CThreadSafeVariable< rw::core::Ptr< rw::common::ThreadPool > >
 CThreadSafeVariable< std::list< rw::core::Exception > >
 CThreadSafeVariable< std::vector< rw::core::Ptr< rw::common::ThreadTask > > >
 CThreadSafeVariable< TaskState >
 CThreadSafeVariable< unsigned int >
 CThreadSimulatorWraps a simulator in a thread safe interface, and creates a separate thread for the simulator to run in
 CThreadTaskA task that facilitates the use of a hierarchic tree of tasks and subtasks
 CPathAnalyzer::TimeAnalysisResult struct for Time analysis
 CTimed< T >A tuple of (time, value)
 CTimedUtilConstruction of paths of Timed values
 CTimeMetricUtilMethods for analyzing time distance of various paths
 CtimerA helper class to measure execution time for benchmarking purposes
 CTimerThe timer class provides an easy to use platform independent timer
 CTimerUtilAccess of the system clock so called wall time
 CTraits< T >This is a forward declaration of the traits class
 CTraits< BVTREE >
 CTraits< double >
 CTraits< float >
 CTraits< geometry::BSphere< T > >
 CTraits< proximity::BinaryBVTree< BV, PRIM > >Define traits of the BinaryBVTree
 CTraits< proximity::BVTreeColliderFactory::BalancedDescentStrategy< BVTREE > >
 CTraits< proximity::BVTreeColliderFactory::MaxAreaDescentStrategy< BVTREE > >
 CTraits< rw::geometry::OBB< T > >Define traits of the OBB
 CTraits< T< R > >
 CTrajectory< T >Interface for Trajectories in RobWork
 CTrajectory< rw::math::Q >
 CTrajectory< U >
 CTrajectoryFactoryTrajectory constructors
 CTrajectoryIterator< T >Forward declaration of Trajectory Iterator (needed for friend declaration)
 CTrajectoryIterator< U >
 CTransform2D< T >
 CTransform2DIdentity< T >A 3x3 homogeneous transform matrix \( \mathbf{T}\in SE(2) \)
 CTransform2DIdentity< double >
 CTransform2DIdentity< float >
 CTransform3D< T >A 4x4 homogeneous transform matrix \( \mathbf{T}\in SE(3) \)
 CTransform3D< double >
 CTransform3D< float >
 CTransform3D< T >
 CTransform3DVector< T >This class is a interpolatable Transform3D, consisting of a Vecor3D and a Quaternion. It is implemented to be very Interconvertable with a Transform3D, and allow operations souch as Transform * scalar and Transform + Transform
 CTrapMethodImplementation of the trapezoidal rule for integration
 CTreeDistanceCalcThis class encapsulates the methods for iterating through two hierachical BV trees and finding the smallest distance between any triangle in the trees
 CTreeStateThe tree structure state of a work cell
 CTriangle< T >Plain triangle class. The second template argument specify the number of normals associated with the triangle. The triangle vertices should be arranged counter clock wise
 CTriangle< double >
 CTriangleN1< T >Triangle facet. triangle class of type N1, which means that beside the plain triangle the face normal of the triangle is saved with the facenormal
 CTriangleN3< T >Triangle facet. triangle class that stores one normal for each vertex in the triangle
 CTriangleUtilUtility for triangle manipulation
 CTriangulateClass for triangulating a polygon
 CTriMesh::TriCenterIteratorStruct for iterating over the centers of triangles in a mesh
 CTriMeshDataSimple data structure for keeping the information on vertices and triangles this is the underlying data stucture of SimpleTriMesh, and should be used through that
 CTriMeshSurfaceSamplerRandom sampling of points and orientations close to the surface of a geometry
 CTriTriIntersectDeviller< T >Tests if two triangles are intersecting using devillers method
 CTriTriIntersectMoller< T >Tests if two triangles are intersecting using Thomas Mollers, 1997, no div method. The code is strongly inspired (read converted to use RobWork types) from Opcode 1.3 Pierre Terdiman 2001
 CTypeClass defining general types
 CTypeRepositoryThe TypeRepository provides a repository in which types can be mapped to Type objects
 CSimulator::UpdateInfoStep info is used when updating controllers, devices and bodies
 CContactStrategyTracking::UserDataBase struct that can be extended for user specific data
 CVector< T >Configuration vector
 CVector2D< T >A 2D vector \( \mathbf{v}\in \mathbb{R}^2 \)
 CVector2D< double >
 CVector2D< float >
 CVector3D< T >A 3D vector \( \mathbf{v}\in \mathbb{R}^3 \)
 CVector3D< double >
 CVector3D< float >
 CVector3D< T >
 CVectorIterator< T >Forward iterator for vectors of pointers to T
 CVelocityScrew6D< T >Class for representing 6 degrees of freedom velocity screws
 CBREP::VertexVertex for the half-edge structure
 CTriMesh::VerticeIteratorStruct for iterating over the centers of triangles in a mesh
 CSceneDescriptor::VisualStateStruct for keeping track of the visual state of each frame
 CWorkCellWorkCell keeps track of devices, obstacles and objects in the scene
 CWorkCellDimensionWorkCellDimension describe a center and the box halflengths of the space that the WorkCell expands
 CWorkCellLoaderExtendible interface for loading of WorkCells from files
 CWorkCellSceneClass for wrapping the SceneGraph interface such that it extends the scene-graph functionality to work on frames and workcells
 CWrench6D< T >Class for representing 6 degrees of freedom wrenches
 CXercesDocumentReaderUtility class for reading in XML to a DOMDocument
 CXercesDocumentWriterUtility class for writing a DOMDocument to file
 CXercesInitializerUtility class which initializes Xerces upon creation
 CXMLBasisTypesUtility class to help read in the content of a XML-files parsed with Xerces
 CXmlCalibrationLoaderLoads a calibration file for a workcell
 CXmlCalibrationSaverSave function for writing a work cell calibration in an XML format
 CXMLErrorHandler::XMLErrorXML error object
 CXMLErrorHandlerError handler for XML parsing using boost spirit
 CXMLPathFormatClass storing the identifiers used for paths in the XML Path Format
 CXMLPathLoaderEnables loading in path file specified in the RobWork Path XML format
 CXMLPathSaverClass used for saving a Path using the RobWork XML Path Format
 CXMLPropertyFormatClass storing the identifiers used for properties in the XML Path Format
 CXMLPropertyLoaderClass for loading rw::core::PropertyMap from XML
 CXMLPropertySaverClass for saving rw::core::PropertyMap to XML
 CXMLProximitySetupFormatFormat specification for the XML PropertySetup format
 CXMLProximitySetupLoaderLoader for the XML PropertySetup format
 CXMLRWParserParses a workcell from the xml fileformat into a dummmy workcell representation
 CXMLRWPreParserPre-parser for the XML RW format. All include, define, comments and use elements are handled
 CXMLStrUtility class to help convert between Xerces unicode XMLCh* and ordinary C/C++ strings
 CXMLTaskFormatClass storing the identifiers used for paths in the XML Task Format
 CXMLTrajectoryFormatClass containing the definitions for the XML Trajectory Format
 CXMLTrajectoryLoaderEnables loading in trajectories file specified in the RobWork Trajectory XML format
 CXMLTrajectorySaverClass for saving trajectories to file
 CXQPControllerAn extended version of the QPController
 CZ3PlannerZ3 based planners