Axis Aligned Bounding Box class
AnalyticUtil |
Utility functions for functions dealing with analytic geometry.
Box |
a box primitive, origin is in center of box
BoxCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
BoxPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Boundary representation (or B-Rep) of a geometric shape, using a collection of
connected surfaces, edges and vertices.
In the Shell representation, the geometric shape is formed as a collection of disconnected
BREP.CommonCurveSet |
Convenience type for a set of curves in a BREP.
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
BSphere |
class representing an Bounding sphere
BSphere_f |
class representing an Bounding sphere
BSphere_fCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
BSphere_fPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
BSphereCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
BSpherePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
a general bounding volume class for template inheritance.
BVBSphere |
a general bounding volume class for template inheritance.
BVBSphere_f |
a general bounding volume class for template inheritance.
BVColliderOBBColiderOBB |
abstract class describing interface of a bounding volume collision
BVColliderOBBColiderOBB_f |
abstract class describing interface of a bounding volume collision
BVColliderOBBToleranceCollider |
abstract class describing interface of a bounding volume collision
BVColliderOBBToleranceCollider_f |
abstract class describing interface of a bounding volume collision
BVDistanceCalcSphereDistanceCalc |
BVDistanceCalcSphereDistanceCalc_f |
BVFactoryOBB |
interface of bounding volume factory
BVFactoryOBB_f |
interface of bounding volume factory
Cone |
cone primitive.
ConeCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ConePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Contour2D |
class representing a 2d contour
Contour2D.Point |
the point description of the contour
Contour2DCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Contour2DPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ConvexHull2D |
interface for convexhull calculators on 2d point sets
ConvexHull2DCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ConvexHull2DPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ConvexHull3D |
interface for convexhull calculators on 3d point sets
ConvexHull3DCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ConvexHull3DPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Covariance |
class for estimating the covariance of different data
Curve |
Curve is an abstract representation of a smooth curve geometry in 3D.
The interface provides functions for affine transformations, such as scaling, rotation and
CurveCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
CurvePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Cylinder |
a cylinder primitive.
CylinderCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
CylinderPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Delaunay |
Utility functions for doing Delaunay triangulations.
DistanceUtil |
a class for performing distance calculations between different
geometric primitives
DistanceUtilCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
DistanceUtilPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Face |
Abstract interface for geometric faces.
A face consist of a surface and curves that form the boundary of the face.
For all faces there must be the same number of vertices and curves.
The order of vertices and curves are ordered such that a curve at a certain index will have a
corresponding start vertex at the same vertex index.
FaceCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
FacePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
GenericFace |
The GenericFace implementation is a type of Face that consist of abstract Surfaces and
GenericFaceCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
GenericFacePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Geometry |
a class for representing a geometry that is scaled
and transformed, and which is attached to a frame.
Each geometry must have a unique ID.
Geometry.GeometryGroupMask |
A geometry may belong to a specific group of geometries.
GeometryCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
GeometryData |
an interface for geometry data.
GeometryData.GeometryType |
geometry data types
GeometryDataCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
GeometryDataPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
GeometryPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
GeometryUtil |
Utility functions for calculating properties of geometry
The methods for calculation of volume, inertia, and the center of gravity, is as described in
[1]: Fast and Accurate Computation of Polyhedral Mass Properties, Brian Mirtich.
GeometryUtilCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
GeometryUtilPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
HyperSphere |
A hyper-sphere of K dimensions.
Functions are provided to create (almost) uniform distribution of points on a hyper-sphere as
shown in [1].
The distribution of points is illustrated below for 2 and 3 dimensional hyper-spheres.
Notice that the tessellation is best when \delta is small.
[1] Lovisolo, L., and E.
HyperSphereCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
HyperSpherePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitBREP |
Type of BREP where all surfaces are of type ImplicitSurface,
and edges are of type ParametricCurve.
ImplicitBREP.CommonParametricCurveSet |
Convenience type for a set of curves in a BREP.
ImplicitBREPCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitBREPPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitFace |
Type of Face, where the surface is an ImplicitSurface and the
edges are of type ParametricCurve.
ImplicitFaceCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitFacePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitShell |
Type of Shell where all surfaces are of type ImplicitSurface and
all curves are of type ParametricCurve.
ImplicitShellCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitShellPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitSurface |
Interface for implicit surfaces.
ImplicitSurfaceCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitSurfacePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitTorus |
ImplicitTorusCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ImplicitTorusPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedFaceArray |
An indexed face array is a proxy to a Shell, that makes it possible to easily sort
faces and take subsets without modifying the underlying Shell.
IndexedFaceArray.IndexedFace |
Structure that holds information for each face.
IndexedFaceArrayCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedFaceArrayPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedPolygon |
indexed polygon class that saves N indices to the N vertices of the polygon
IndexedPolygon_32 |
indexed polygon class that saves N indices to the N vertices of the polygon
IndexedPolygon_32CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedPolygon_32Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedPolygonCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedPolygonN |
Polygon with N vertice indices and 0 normals
IndexedPolygonN_32 |
Polygon with N vertice indices and 0 normals
IndexedPolygonNN |
Polygon with N vertices and N normals.
IndexedPolygonNN_32 |
Polygon with N vertices and N normals.
IndexedPolygonPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedQuadraticFaceArray |
Proxy class for a QuadraticShell, that allows sorting of faces without modifying the
original object.
IndexedQuadraticFaceArray.QuadIndexedFace |
Structure that holds information for each face.
IndexedQuadraticFaceArrayCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedQuadraticFaceArrayPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangle |
indexed triangle class that has 3 indices that points to 3
vertices in an array typically used with the IndexedTriMesh class.
the indice type (size) is templated.
IndexedTriangle_32 |
indexed triangle class that has 3 indices that points to 3
vertices in an array typically used with the IndexedTriMesh class.
the indice type (size) is templated.
IndexedTriangle_32CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangle_32Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangleCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangleN1 |
indexed triangle class with an additional index for an face normal
IndexedTriangleN1_32 |
indexed triangle class with an additional index for an face normal
IndexedTriangleN1_32CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangleN1_32Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangleN1CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangleN1Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangleN3 |
indexed triangle class with an additional index for 3 normals one for each vertice in
the triangle
IndexedTriangleN3_32 |
indexed triangle class with an additional index for 3 normals one for each vertice in
the triangle
IndexedTriangleN3_32CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangleN3_32Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangleN3CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriangleN3Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTrianglePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriArray |
this class is a proxy to a triangle mesh where the triangles
can be indirectly copied in an efficient manner.
Each "virtual" triangle index is mapped to the actual triangle index.
By rearanging the mapping the order of the triangles in the mesh are
rearanged to the proxy user, without changing the actual triangle mesh.
IndexedTriArrayCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriArrayPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriMesh |
Interface for indexed triangle meshes.
An indexed triangle mesh has a list of vertices and a list of
IndexedTriMesh_f |
Interface for indexed triangle meshes.
An indexed triangle mesh has a list of vertices and a list of
IndexedTriMesh_fPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriMeshN0 |
an Indexed Triangle mesh with zero normals
IndexedTriMeshN0_f |
an Indexed Triangle mesh with zero normals
IndexedTriMeshN0_fCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriMeshN0_fPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriMeshN0CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriMeshN0Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
IndexedTriMeshPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Line |
A line in 3D, described by a two points.
LineCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
LineMetric |
A metric for calculating line-to-line distance.
LinePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
MetricLine |
Template interface for metrics on type T.
A metric is a function that defines a scalar distance between elements.
MetricLineCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
MetricLinePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
MetricPlane |
Template interface for metrics on type T.
A metric is a function that defines a scalar distance between elements.
MetricPlaneCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
MetricPlanePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Model3D |
a 3d model that has geometry but also material and color.
he model can be composed of multiple objects that are connected in
a hierarchical manner.
Model3D.Material |
describes material properties.
Model3D.SmoothMethod |
Method to do smoothing.
Model3D.Texture |
Model3DCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Model3DPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Model3DPtrVector |
class representing an Oriented Bounding Box (OBB)
OBB_f |
class representing an Oriented Bounding Box (OBB)
OBBCollider |
class for testing if two Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBBs) are overlapping.
The method used is based on the seperating axis theorem.
OBBCollider_f |
class for testing if two Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBBs) are overlapping.
The method used is based on the seperating axis theorem.
OBBColliderCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
OBBColliderPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
OBBFactory |
factory for computing tight fitting Oriented Bounding Boxes.
OBBFactory_f |
factory for computing tight fitting Oriented Bounding Boxes.
OBBFactory_f.FitMethod |
The supported methods to generate an oriented bounding box from a mesh.
OBBFactory.FitMethod |
The supported methods to generate an oriented bounding box from a mesh.
OBBFactoryCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
OBBFactoryPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
OBBPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
OBBToleranceCollider |
class for testing if two Oriented Bounding Boxes are overlapping
OBBToleranceCollider_f |
class for testing if two Oriented Bounding Boxes are overlapping
OBBToleranceColliderCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
OBBToleranceColliderPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Object3DGeneric |
An abstract 3d object consisting of geometry information, material and texture.
To reduce memory, the geometry is implemented slightly differently for different mesh
Object3DGeneric.MaterialMapData |
Mapping from triangles to materials.
Object3DGeneric.MaterialPolys |
ordering polygons by material consumes more memmory but reduce switches between
ObvOBB |
a general oriented bounding volume class
ObvOBB_f |
a general oriented bounding volume class
ParametricCurve |
Interface for parametric curves.
ParametricCurveCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ParametricCurvePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainQuadraticShell |
A collection of concrete Quadratic surface patches, that together form a shell.
PlainQuadraticShellCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainQuadraticShellPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMesh |
a triangle mesh representation that maintains a list of simple triangles.
This class is templated and can be setup with different types of triangle storage.
Mainly this concerns single or double precision but also number of normals in each Triangle.
Check out Triangle.hpp to get an idea of the different types.
The PlainTriMesh can be used as follows
// create trimesh
PlainTriMesh<TriangleN1<float> > mesh;
// add data
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
// and access the mesh
TriangleN1<float> tri_index1 = mesh[1];
Vector3D<float> normal = mesh[2].getFaceNormal();
To convert the plain trimesh to a more efficient mesh representation take a look at
PlainTriMesh_f |
a triangle mesh representation that maintains a list of simple triangles.
This class is templated and can be setup with different types of triangle storage.
Mainly this concerns single or double precision but also number of normals in each Triangle.
Check out Triangle.hpp to get an idea of the different types.
The PlainTriMesh can be used as follows
// create trimesh
PlainTriMesh<TriangleN1<float> > mesh;
// add data
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
// and access the mesh
TriangleN1<float> tri_index1 = mesh[1];
Vector3D<float> normal = mesh[2].getFaceNormal();
To convert the plain trimesh to a more efficient mesh representation take a look at
PlainTriMesh_fCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMesh_fPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshN1 |
a triangle mesh representation that maintains a list of simple triangles.
This class is templated and can be setup with different types of triangle storage.
Mainly this concerns single or double precision but also number of normals in each Triangle.
Check out Triangle.hpp to get an idea of the different types.
The PlainTriMesh can be used as follows
// create trimesh
PlainTriMesh<TriangleN1<float> > mesh;
// add data
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
// and access the mesh
TriangleN1<float> tri_index1 = mesh[1];
Vector3D<float> normal = mesh[2].getFaceNormal();
To convert the plain trimesh to a more efficient mesh representation take a look at
PlainTriMeshN1_f |
a triangle mesh representation that maintains a list of simple triangles.
This class is templated and can be setup with different types of triangle storage.
Mainly this concerns single or double precision but also number of normals in each Triangle.
Check out Triangle.hpp to get an idea of the different types.
The PlainTriMesh can be used as follows
// create trimesh
PlainTriMesh<TriangleN1<float> > mesh;
// add data
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
// and access the mesh
TriangleN1<float> tri_index1 = mesh[1];
Vector3D<float> normal = mesh[2].getFaceNormal();
To convert the plain trimesh to a more efficient mesh representation take a look at
PlainTriMeshN1_fCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshN1_fPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshN1CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshN1Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshN3 |
a triangle mesh representation that maintains a list of simple triangles.
This class is templated and can be setup with different types of triangle storage.
Mainly this concerns single or double precision but also number of normals in each Triangle.
Check out Triangle.hpp to get an idea of the different types.
The PlainTriMesh can be used as follows
// create trimesh
PlainTriMesh<TriangleN1<float> > mesh;
// add data
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
// and access the mesh
TriangleN1<float> tri_index1 = mesh[1];
Vector3D<float> normal = mesh[2].getFaceNormal();
To convert the plain trimesh to a more efficient mesh representation take a look at
PlainTriMeshN3_f |
a triangle mesh representation that maintains a list of simple triangles.
This class is templated and can be setup with different types of triangle storage.
Mainly this concerns single or double precision but also number of normals in each Triangle.
Check out Triangle.hpp to get an idea of the different types.
The PlainTriMesh can be used as follows
// create trimesh
PlainTriMesh<TriangleN1<float> > mesh;
// add data
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
mesh.add( TriangleN1<float>(v1,v2,v3) );
// and access the mesh
TriangleN1<float> tri_index1 = mesh[1];
Vector3D<float> normal = mesh[2].getFaceNormal();
To convert the plain trimesh to a more efficient mesh representation take a look at
PlainTriMeshN3_fCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshN3_fPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshN3CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshN3Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlainTriMeshPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Plane |
plane primitive represented in Hessian normal-form: a*nx+b*ny+c*nz+d=0
PlaneCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PlaneMetric |
A metric for calculating plane-to-plane distance.
PlanePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PointCloud |
A simple point cloud data structure.
PointCloudCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PointCloudPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Polygon |
indexed polygon class that saves N indices to the N vertices of the polygon
Polygon_f |
indexed polygon class that saves N indices to the N vertices of the polygon
Polygon_fCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Polygon_fPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Polygon2D |
indexed polygon class that saves N indices to the N vertices of the polygon
Polygon2D_f |
indexed polygon class that saves N indices to the N vertices of the polygon
PolygonCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PolygonPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PolygonUtil |
Utility functions for operations on polygons, such as convex partitioning.
The algorithm for convex partitioning of polygons has time complexity O(n r^2 \log r)
where n is the number of vertices and r is the number of reflex vertices (vertices that gives
an inward notch).
Primitive |
defines an interface for a geometric shape that is defined
by a set of parameters.
PrimitiveCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PrimitivePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Pyramid |
a pyrimidal geometric primitive.
PyramidCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
PyramidPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QHull3D |
calculates the convex hull of a set of 3d points.
The GiftWrap convex hull algorithm is used, hence the
class name.
Note: It is important that there are not multiple vertices at the same coordinates.
Filter these away before using this convex hull calculation.
QHull3DCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QHull3DPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticBREP |
A boundary representation where the geometry of a face is a QuadraticSurface,
and an edge curve is a QuadraticCurve.
This implementation adds the geometry related to Quadrics, based on BREP which handles the
To build a geometry composed of Quadratic surfaces and curves, follow the following
QuadraticBREP.CommonQuadraticCurveSet |
Convenience type for a set of curves in a QuadraticBREP.
QuadraticBREPCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticBREPPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticCurve |
A quadratic curve.
A quadratic curve is given explicitly by the expression \mathbf{p} = \mathbf{c} + r(t)
\mathbf{u} + s(t) \mathbf{v} where \mathbf{c},\mathbf{u},\mathbf{v},\mathbf{p} \in
\mathbb{R}^3 and \mathbf{u}^T \mathbf{v} = 0 .
The following four types of curves are possible:
- Ellipse: (r,s)=(\sin t,\cos t)
- Hyperbola: (r,s)=(\sinh t,\cosh t)
- Line: (r,s)=(t,0)
- Parabola: (r,s)=(t,t^2)
QuadraticCurve.Type |
The four possible curve types.
QuadraticCurveCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticCurvePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticFace |
A Quadratic surface patch bounded by Quadratic curves.
QuadraticFaceCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticFacePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticShell |
A collection of Quadratic surface patches, that together form a shell.
QuadraticShellCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticShellPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticSurface |
A quadratic surface.
The general quadratic surface is described as an implicit surface of the form:
x^T A x + 2 a^T x + u = 0
A is a symmetric matrix, A \in \mathbb{R}^{3\times3} , and a \in \mathbb{R}^3, u
\in \mathbb{R}
QuadraticSurfaceCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticSurfacePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
QuadraticUtil |
Utility functions for operations on quadratic surfaces and curves.
Functions are provided to find approximate closest points between different combinations of
quadratics surfaces and curves.
sdurw_geometry |
sdurw_geometryJNI |
Shell |
A shell represents the geometry of an object as a collection of non-connected faces.
Each face is composed of a trimmed surface, the edge curves, and vertices that connects the
ShellCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
ShellPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Sphere |
a sphere primitive.
SphereCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
SphereDistanceCalc |
class for testing if two Oriented Bounding Boxes are overlapping
SphereDistanceCalc_f |
class for testing if two Oriented Bounding Boxes are overlapping
SphereDistanceCalcCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
SphereDistanceCalcPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
SpherePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Surface |
Surface is an abstract representation of a smooth surface geometry.
The interface provides functions for affine transformations, such as
scaling, rotation and translation.
In case of a trimmed surface, it is also possible to make a discretization
of the surface to triangle mesh.
SurfaceCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
SurfacePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
SWIGTYPE_p_double |
SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__DiagonalMatrixT_double_3_3_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__DiagonalT_Eigen__Matrix3d_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__Matrix3d |
SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__MatrixT_double_Eigen__Dynamic_Eigen__Dynamic_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__SelfAdjointViewT_Eigen__Matrix3d_const_Eigen__Lower_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__SelfAdjointViewT_Eigen__Matrix3d_const_Eigen__Upper_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__SelfAdjointViewT_Eigen__Matrix3d_Eigen__Lower_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__SelfAdjointViewT_Eigen__Matrix3d_Eigen__Upper_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__Vector3d |
SWIGTYPE_p_float |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__BREP__CommonCurveSet_const_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__ImplicitBREP__CommonParametricCurveSet_const_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__Object3DGeneric_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__QuadraticBREP__CommonQuadraticCurveSet_const_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__core__PtrT_std__vectorT_rw__geometry__IndexedTriangleT_uint16_t_t_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__core__PtrT_std__vectorT_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__core__PtrT_std__vectorT_rw__math__Vector3DT_float_t_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__core__PtrT_std__vectorT_unsigned_long_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__math__Rotation2DT_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__math__Rotation3DT_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__math__Transform3DT_rw__TraitsT_rw__geometry__OBBT_double_t_t__value_type_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__math__Transform3DT_rw__TraitsT_rw__geometry__OBBT_float_t_t__value_type_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__TraitsT_rw__geometry__OBBT_double_t_t__value_type |
SWIGTYPE_p_rw__TraitsT_rw__geometry__OBBT_float_t_t__value_type |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__listT_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__listT_std__vectorT_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__listT_std__vectorT_unsigned_long_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__pairT_rw__geometry__QuadraticSurface_rw__math__Rotation3DT_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__pairT_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_rw__math__InertiaMatrixT_double_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__pairT_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__setT_unsigned_long_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_Eigen__VectorXd_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__Curve_const_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__Curve_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__ImplicitSurface_const_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__Model3D__Texture_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__Object3DGeneric__MaterialPolys_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__Object3DGeneric_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__ParametricCurve_const_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__ParametricCurve_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__QuadraticCurve_const_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__QuadraticCurve_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__core__PtrT_rw__geometry__QuadraticFace_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__geometry__Contour2D__Point_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__geometry__IndexedFaceArray__IndexedFace_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__geometry__IndexedPolygonNT_uint16_t_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__geometry__IndexedQuadraticFaceArray__IndexedFace_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__geometry__Model3D__Material_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__geometry__Object3DGeneric__MaterialMapData_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__geometry__PolygonT_rw__math__Vector2DT_double_t_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__math__Vector2DT_double_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__math__Vector2DT_float_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_t__const_iterator |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_rw__math__Vector3DT_float_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_std__vectorT_double_t_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_unsigned_int_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_unsigned_short_t |
SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_char |
SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_int |
SWIGTYPE_p_unsigned_short |
SWIGTYPE_p_void |
TextureCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TexturePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Triangle |
plain triangle class.
Triangle_f |
plain triangle class.
TriangleCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriangleN1 |
Triangle facet.
TriangleN1_f |
Triangle facet.
TriangleN1CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriangleN1Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriangleN3 |
Triangle facet.
TriangleN3_f |
Triangle facet.
TriangleN3CPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriangleN3Ptr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TrianglePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriangleUtil |
utility for triangle manipulation
TriangleUtilCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriangleUtilPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriMesh |
interface of a triangle mesh.
TriMesh.TriCenterIterator |
struct for iterating over the centers of triangles in a mesh
TriMesh.VerticeIterator |
struct for iterating over the centers of triangles in a mesh
TriMeshCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriMeshPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriMeshSurfaceSampler |
random sampling of points and orientations close to the surface of a geometry.
A point p on the surface is randomly choosen.
A rotation rot is randomly generated.
A random distance d in the interval [minD, maxD] is generated
The position pos is calculated as pos = p - rot*(0,0,d)^T
The random pose X is thus X = (pos, rot)
Optionally a random rotation of X can be generated such that z-axis of rot is
not allways pointing toward the surface.
TriMeshSurfaceSamplerCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriMeshSurfaceSamplerPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriTriIntersectDeviller |
tests if two triangles are intersecting using devillers method.
- very robust triangle intersection test
- uses no divisions
- works on coplanar triangles
TriTriIntersectDeviller_f |
tests if two triangles are intersecting using devillers method.
- very robust triangle intersection test
- uses no divisions
- works on coplanar triangles
TriTriIntersectDeviller_fCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriTriIntersectDeviller_fPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriTriIntersectDevillerCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriTriIntersectDevillerPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriTriIntersectMoller |
tests if two triangles are intersecting using Thomas Mollers, 1997, no div method.
TriTriIntersectMoller_f |
tests if two triangles are intersecting using Thomas Mollers, 1997, no div method.
TriTriIntersectMoller_fCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriTriIntersectMoller_fPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriTriIntersectMollerCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TriTriIntersectMollerPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
Tube |
a tube primitive.
TubeCPtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
TubePtr |
Ptr stores a pointer and optionally takes ownership of the value.
VectorGeometryPtr |
VectorIndexedTriangle |
VectorLine |
VectorQuadraticCurve |
VectorTriangle |
VectorTriangle_f |
VectorTriangleN1 |
VectorTriangleN1_f |
VectorTriangleN3 |
VectorTriangleN3_f |
VertexIdx |
vertice indexes of triangle