Class PolygonUtil

  • public class PolygonUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility functions for operations on polygons, such as convex partitioning.

    The algorithm for convex partitioning of polygons has time complexity O(n r^2 \log r)
    where n is the number of vertices and r is the number of reflex vertices (vertices that gives
    an inward notch). The algorithm is due to J. Mark Keil [1]. For more information, see also
    [2] and [3]. The polygons must not contain holes, and no new vertices are introduced (no
    Steiner points).

    [1] Minimum Decompostions of Polygonal Objects. J. Mark Keil. 1985.


    [3] On the time bound for convex decomposition of simple polygons. Mark Keil & Jack Snoeyink.
    1998. 10th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Aug 1998. See for full version paper.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PolygonUtil

        public PolygonUtil​(long cPtr,
                           boolean cMemoryOwn)
    • Method Detail

      • getCPtr

        public static long getCPtr​(PolygonUtil obj)
      • delete

        public void delete()
      • convexDecompositionIndexed

        public static VecotrVecotrULong convexDecompositionIndexed​(Polygon2D polygon)
        Convex decomposition of a polygon.
        polygon - [in] the polygon to decompose into convex subpolygons.
        a vector of indexed polygons. Each indexed polygon is returned as an ordered
        vector of indices.
      • isInsideConvex

        public static boolean isInsideConvex​(Vector2D point,
                                             Polygon2D polygon,
                                             double eps)
        Check if point lies inside convex polygon.
        point - [in] the point.
        polygon - [in] the polygon.
        eps - [in] distance threshold for when to consider a point inside the polygon.
        true if point is strictly inside the polygon, or false if on the border or
      • area

        public static double area​(Polygon2D polygon)
        Get the signed area of a 2D polygon.
        polygon - [in] the polygon to find area of.
        area of the polygon, with negative sign if vertices are given clockwise, or
        positive sign if given counter-clockwise.