Class GeometryUtil

  • public class GeometryUtil
    extends java.lang.Object

    Utility functions for calculating properties of geometry

    The methods for calculation of volume, inertia, and the center of gravity, is as described in

    [1]: Fast and Accurate Computation of Polyhedral Mass Properties, Brian Mirtich. Journal of
    Graphics Tools, Vol.1, pages 31-58, 1996
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeometryUtil

        public GeometryUtil​(long cPtr,
                            boolean cMemoryOwn)
      • GeometryUtil

        public GeometryUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getCPtr

        public static long getCPtr​(GeometryUtil obj)
      • delete

        public void delete()
      • estimateVolume

        public static double estimateVolume​(VectorGeometryPtr geoms)
        Estimates the volume of a list of geometries.
        Note: If geometries are overlapping, the overlapping regions will count twice in the
        geoms - [in] the list of geometries.
        the total volume of the geometries.
      • estimateVolume

        public static double estimateVolume​(TriMesh trimesh)
        Estimates the volume of a trimesh.
        trimesh - [in] the trimesh.
        the total volume of the trimesh.
      • estimateInertiaCOG

        public static SWIGTYPE_p_std__pairT_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_rw__math__InertiaMatrixT_double_t_t estimateInertiaCOG​(double mass,
                                                                                                                                VectorGeometryPtr geoms,
                                                                                                                                FramePtr ref,
                                                                                                                                State state,
                                                                                                                                Transform3D reftrans)
        Estimates the inertia and center of gravity (COG) of a list of geometries.

        The inertia is described relative to the ref coordinate system translated to COG.
        The reftrans parameter can however be used to transform the geometries.

        mass - [in] the total mass of all geometries.
        geoms - [in] the list of geometries.
        ref - [in] the reference frame for the geometries (if NULL, it is assumed that
        the geometries are defined relative to the same frame).
        state - [in] state used to retrieve the current location of geometries relative to
        the reference frame (only used if ref is given).
        reftrans - [in] (optional) used to transform the geometry before calculation of the
        the center of gravity relative to the ref frame and the inertia around
        the center of gravity (in the coordinate frame of the ref frame).
      • estimateInertiaCOG

        public static SWIGTYPE_p_std__pairT_rw__math__Vector3DT_double_t_rw__math__InertiaMatrixT_double_t_t estimateInertiaCOG​(double mass,
                                                                                                                                VectorGeometryPtr geoms,
                                                                                                                                FramePtr ref,
                                                                                                                                State state)
        Estimates the inertia and center of gravity (COG) of a list of geometries.

        The inertia is described relative to the ref coordinate system translated to COG.
        The reftrans parameter can however be used to transform the geometries.

        mass - [in] the total mass of all geometries.
        geoms - [in] the list of geometries.
        ref - [in] the reference frame for the geometries (if NULL, it is assumed that
        the geometries are defined relative to the same frame).
        state - [in] state used to retrieve the current location of geometries relative to
        the reference frame (only used if ref is given).

        the center of gravity relative to the ref frame and the inertia around
        the center of gravity (in the coordinate frame of the ref frame).
      • estimateInertia

        public static InertiaMatrixd estimateInertia​(double mass,
                                                     VectorGeometryPtr geoms,
                                                     FramePtr ref,
                                                     State state,
                                                     Transform3D reftrans)
        Estimates the inertia of a list of geometries.

        The inertia is described relative to the ref coordinate system
        The reftrans parameter can however be used to transform the geometries.

        mass - [in] the total mass of all geometries.
        geoms - [in] the list of geometries.
        ref - [in] the reference frame for the geometries (if NULL, it is assumed that
        the geometries are defined relative to the same frame).
        state - [in] state used to retrieve the current location of geometries relative to
        the reference frame (only used if ref is given).
        reftrans - [in] (optional) used to transform the geometry before calculation of the
        the inertia around relative to the ref frame.
      • estimateInertia

        public static InertiaMatrixd estimateInertia​(double mass,
                                                     VectorGeometryPtr geoms,
                                                     FramePtr ref,
                                                     State state)
        Estimates the inertia of a list of geometries.

        The inertia is described relative to the ref coordinate system
        The reftrans parameter can however be used to transform the geometries.

        mass - [in] the total mass of all geometries.
        geoms - [in] the list of geometries.
        ref - [in] the reference frame for the geometries (if NULL, it is assumed that
        the geometries are defined relative to the same frame).
        state - [in] state used to retrieve the current location of geometries relative to
        the reference frame (only used if ref is given).

        the inertia around relative to the ref frame.
      • estimateInertia

        public static InertiaMatrixd estimateInertia​(double mass,
                                                     VectorGeometryPtr geoms,
                                                     Transform3D reftrans)
        Estimates the inertia of a list of geometries.

        The inertia is described relative to the geometry reference frame.
        The reftrans parameter can however be used to transform the geometries.

        Note: The geometries should be defined relative to the same frame - otherwise the
        result will not make sense.

        mass - [in] the total mass of all geometries.
        geoms - [in] the list of geometries.
        reftrans - [in] (optional) used to transform the geometry before calculation of the
        the inertia matrix relative to the reference frame.
      • estimateInertia

        public static InertiaMatrixd estimateInertia​(double mass,
                                                     VectorGeometryPtr geoms)
        Estimates the inertia of a list of geometries.

        The inertia is described relative to the geometry reference frame.
        The reftrans parameter can however be used to transform the geometries.

        Note: The geometries should be defined relative to the same frame - otherwise the
        result will not make sense.

        mass - [in] the total mass of all geometries.
        geoms - [in] the list of geometries.

        the inertia matrix relative to the reference frame.
      • estimateCOG

        public static Vector3D estimateCOG​(VectorGeometryPtr geoms)
        Estimates the center of gravity (COG) of a list of geometries.

        The COG will be found relative to the geometry frame.

        Note: The geometries should be defined relative to the same frame - otherwise the
        result will not make sense.

        geoms - [in] the list of geometries.
        the center of gravity for the geometries.
      • estimateCOG

        public static Vector3D estimateCOG​(VectorGeometryPtr geoms,
                                           FramePtr ref,
                                           State state)
        Estimates the center of gravity (COG) of a list of geometries.

        The COG will be given relative to the given reference frame.

        geoms - [in] the list of geometries.
        ref - [in] the reference frame.
        state - [in] the state which gives the position of the geometries relative to the
        reference frame.
        the center of gravity for the geometries.
      • estimateCOG

        public static Vector3D estimateCOG​(TriMesh trimesh,
                                           Transform3D t3d)
        Estimates the center of gravity (COG) of a triangle mesh.
        trimesh - [in] the triangle mesh.
        t3d - [in] (optional) make a transformation of the trimesh.
        the center of gravity of the mesh.
      • estimateCOG

        public static Vector3D estimateCOG​(TriMesh trimesh)
        Estimates the center of gravity (COG) of a triangle mesh.
        trimesh - [in] the triangle mesh.

        the center of gravity of the mesh.
      • calcMaxDist

        public static double calcMaxDist​(VectorGeometryPtr geoms,
                                         Vector3D center,
                                         FramePtr ref,
                                         State state)
        calculates the max distance to any triangle in the geoms, from some point
        geoms - [in] the geometries containing the triangles
        center - [in] the point to calculate the distance from
        ref - [in] the reference frame.
        state -
        the maximum distance to any triangle in the geometries
      • getAnchoredFrames

        public static FrameVector getAnchoredFrames​(Frame f,
                                                    State state)
        util function that locates all frames that is staticly connected to f
        and that has geometry information.
      • getAnchoredChildFrames

        public static FrameVector getAnchoredChildFrames​(FramePtr parent,
                                                         State state)
        util function that locates all frames in the sub tree of parent
        that is staticly connected and that has geometry information.
      • getDimensions

        public static Vector3D getDimensions​(GeometryPtr geometry)
        Returns the dimensions of geometry
        geometry - [in] Geometry to analyse
        Dimensions in the x,y and z directions.
      • getDimensions

        public static Vector3D getDimensions​(TriMeshPtr trimesh)
        Returns the dimensions of trimesh
        trimesh - [in] TriMesh to analyse
        Dimensions in the x,y and z directions.