AnalyticGeometryPlugin.hpp | Plugin adding new analytic geometry types to the rw.loaders.GeometryFactory extension point. |
AnalyticUtil.hpp | Utility functions for functions dealing with analytic geometry. |
ARWExpand.hpp | |
ARWPlanner.hpp | |
ARWQToQPlanner.hpp | |
AssemblyControlResponse.hpp | The output from a AssemblyControlStrategy. |
AssemblyControlStrategy.hpp | The interface for control strategies for assembly. |
AssemblyParameterization.hpp | Interface for a parameterization that can be used by a AssemblyControlStrategy. |
AssemblyRegistry.hpp | A registry of control strategies. The registry defines an extension point. |
AssemblyResult.hpp | A specification of the result from an execution of an AssemblyTask. |
AssemblySimulator.hpp | A simulator for execution of AssemblyTasks |
AssemblyState.hpp | Information about the trajectory of the objects and sensor information during execution. |
AssemblyTask.hpp | Specification of a AssemblyTask. |
ATaskVisPlugin.hpp | Plugin for visualization of assembly operations. |
BallBallStrategy.hpp | Detection of contacts between balls. Each model can consist of multiple balls. |
BeamJointController.hpp | |
BFGS.hpp | |
Blend.hpp | |
Body.hpp | |
control/BodyController.hpp | A Controller that use a PD loop to follow a trajectory generated from different target types. If the body is a Kinematic body then the velocities of the body is directly controlled, else wrenches are used to control the body. |
BodyMotionWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the log entries rwsim::log::LogPositions and rwsim::log::LogVelocities. |
Box.hpp | |
BREP.hpp | Boundary representation (or B-Rep) of a geometric shape, using a collection of connected surfaces, edges and vertices. |
BS_thread_pool.hpp | BS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool library. This header file contains the entire library, including the main BS::thread_pool class and the helper classes BS::multi_future, BS::blocks, BS:synced_stream, and BS::timer |
BtBody.hpp | Wrapper class for a bullet btRigidBody, that bridges between RobWork and Bullet. |
BtConstraint.hpp | Allows constraining the motion between two bodies in Bullet simulation. |
BtContactStrategy.hpp | Detection of contacts using the internal Bullet collision detector. |
BtDebugRender.hpp | Debug render for the Bullet engine. |
BtDevice.hpp | An interface for Bullet devices. |
BtMaterial.hpp | Used as body userdata to be able to determine friction and restitution on contact pairs. |
BtPlugin.hpp | A Bullet plugin that provides additional functionality to the rwsim::simulator::PhysicsEngine::Factory through the plugin structure. |
BtPositionDevice.hpp | A position device. |
BtRWCollisionAlgorithm.hpp | The RobWork implementation of a Bullet collision algorithm, using the standard ContactDetector. |
BtRWCollisionConfiguration.hpp | A collision configuration that uses the btCompoundCompoundCollisionAlgorithm and BtRWCollisionAlgorithm to handle contacts. |
BtSimulator.hpp | A physics engine that uses Bullet Physics as the underlying engine. |
BtTactileSensor.hpp | Class for updating SimulatedTactileSensor from Bullet simulation. |
BtUtil.hpp | Utility functions that allows easy conversion between Bullet and RobWork types. |
BtVelocityDevice.hpp | A velocity device. |
Camera.hpp | |
CameraFirewire.hpp | |
CameraListener.hpp | |
CameraModel.hpp | |
CCDSolver.hpp | |
CircularInterpolator.hpp | |
CircularPiHControlStrategy.hpp | A AssemblyControlStrategy that can be used specifically for cylindric peg in hole operations. |
CircularPiHParameterization.hpp | The parameterization used for the CircularPiHControlStrategy. |
ClosedFormIK.hpp | |
ClosedFormIKSolverKukaIIWA.hpp | Analytical inverse solver for the Kuka LBR IIWA 7 R800 robot. |
CollisionDetector.hpp | The CollisionDetector implements an efficient way of checking a complete frame tree for collisions. |
CollisionResultWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the log entry rwsim::log::LogCollisionResult. |
CollisionSetup.hpp | |
CollisionSetupLoader.hpp | |
CollisionStrategy.hpp | |
CollisionToleranceStrategy.hpp | |
common.hpp | |
CompositeDevice.hpp | |
CompositeJointDevice.hpp | |
ConcatVectorIterator.hpp | |
Cone.hpp | |
Constants.hpp | |
Constraint.hpp | A constraint is a mathematical model that constrain the movement between two arbitrary bodies in a dynamic simulation. |
ConstraintWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the log entry rwsim::log::LogConstraints. |
contacts/Contact.hpp | A common interface for the most important data for a contact. |
ContactDetector.hpp | The ContactDetector allows detailed control of the strategies used for contact detection between specific frames and geometry types. |
ContactDetectorData.hpp | Container for data that is stored by a contact detector between contact detection calls. |
ContactDetectorTracking.hpp | Container for meta-data that can be used to track contact across multiple calls to contact detector, and allows attaching user specified data to the contact. |
ContactManifold.hpp | |
contacts/ContactModel.hpp | The ContactModel is an interface for the contact models implemented by different contact strategies. |
ContactModelGeometry.hpp | Generic contact model for strategies that find contacts between two different types of geometry. |
ContactPoint.hpp | |
ContactSetWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the log entry rwsim::log::LogContactSet. |
ContactStrategy.hpp | The ContactStrategy is a common interface for different contact strategies. |
ContactStrategyData.hpp | Container for data that is stored by contact strategies between contact detection calls. |
ContactStrategyDMS.hpp | Detection of contacts between triangle meshes. |
ContactStrategyGeometry.hpp | Generic contact strategy that find contacts between two different types of geometry. |
ContactStrategyTracking.hpp | Interface for a container of meta-data that can be used to track contact across multiple calls to a contact strategy, and allows attaching user specified data to the contact. |
ContactTableWidget.hpp | A table widget customised for rwsim::contacts::Contact types. |
ContactVelocitiesWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the log entry rwsim::log::LogContactVelocities. |
ControllerModel.hpp | |
ConvexHull2D.hpp | |
ConvexHull3D.hpp | |
ConvexHullND.hpp | |
core.hpp | |
CubicSplineFactory.hpp | |
CubicSplineInterpolator.hpp | |
Curve.hpp | Curve is an abstract representation of a smooth curve geometry in 3D. |
Delaunay.hpp | Utility functions for doing Delaunay triangulations. |
DependentPrismaticJoint.hpp | |
DependentRevoluteJoint.hpp | |
Device.hpp | |
DistanceCalculator.hpp | |
DistanceMultiResultWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the log entry rwsim::log::DistanceMultiResultWidget.. |
DistanceMultiStrategy.hpp | |
DistanceResultWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the log entry rwsim::log::DistanceResultWidget. |
DistanceStrategy.hpp | |
DOMTaskFormat.hpp | Definition of the identifier used in the task format. |
Drawable.hpp | |
DrawableFactory.hpp | |
DrawableGeometry.hpp | |
DrawableNode.hpp | |
DrawableNodeClone.hpp | |
DrawableUtil.hpp | |
DynamicDevice.hpp | |
DynamicUtil.hpp | |
DynamicWorkCellBuilder.hpp | Helper for building Dynamic Workcells. |
EAA.hpp | |
EngineTest.hpp | Generic test type for physics engines, which provides a factory for standard tests along with an extension point for user defined tests. |
EngineTestPlugin.hpp | A plugin for interactive testing of physics engines. |
EnterExpressionPacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP EnterExpressionPacket. |
EnterTextPacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP EnterTextPacket. |
EquationSystemWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the log entry rwsim::log::LogEquationSystem. |
EvaluatePacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP EvaluatePacket. |
core/Exception.hpp | |
Face.hpp | Abstract interface for geometric faces. |
FactorInteger.hpp | Representation of the Mathematica FactorInteger function. |
FixedBody.hpp | |
FixedFrame.hpp | |
FixedLink.hpp | |
FKRange.hpp | |
FKTable.hpp | |
ForceTorqueWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the log entry rwsim::log::LogForceTorque. |
Frame.hpp | |
FrameGrabber.hpp | |
FramePairMap.hpp | |
FrameType.hpp | |
GenericFace.hpp | The GenericFace implementation is a type of Face that consist of abstract Surfaces and Curves. |
geometry.hpp | |
GeometryData.hpp | |
GeometryFactory.hpp | |
GLFrameGrabber.hpp | |
GLFrameGrabber25D.hpp | |
HyperSphere.hpp | A hyper-sphere of K dimensions. |
IKQPSolver.hpp | |
sensor/Image.hpp | The image class is a simple wrapper around a char data array. This Image wrapper contain information of width, height and encoding. |
ibs/mathematica/Image.hpp | Representation of the Mathematica Image function. |
src/rw/sensor/ImageUtil.hpp | |
ImplicitBREP.hpp | Type of BREP where all surfaces are of type ImplicitSurface, and edges are of type ParametricCurve. |
ImplicitFace.hpp | Type of Face, where the surface is an ImplicitSurface and the edges are of type ParametricCurve. |
ImplicitShell.hpp | Type of Shell where all surfaces are of type ImplicitSurface and all curves are of type ParametricCurve. |
ImplicitSurface.hpp | Interface for implicit surfaces. An implicit surface is given by an expression of the form \( F(\mathbf{x})=0, \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^3\). |
ImplicitTorus.hpp | Torus defined as an implicit surface. |
IndexedFaceArray.hpp | An indexed face array is a proxy to a Shell, that makes it possible to easily sort faces and take subsets without modifying the underlying Shell. |
IndexedQuadraticFaceArray.hpp | Proxy class for a QuadraticShell, that allows sorting of faces without modifying the original object. |
InertiaMatrix.hpp | |
InputNamePacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP InputNamePacket. |
IntegratorGravityTest.hpp | Test for linear free-falling motion. |
IntegratorRotationTest.hpp | Test for rotational motion. |
IntegratorSpringTest.hpp | Test for the motion when an undamped linear spring is used. |
IntegratorTest.hpp | Common parent class for all integrator tests. |
Interpolator.hpp | |
InterpolatorTrajectory.hpp | |
InterpolatorUtil.hpp | |
IntersectUtil.hpp | utility class for calculating intersection points between geometry primitives |
invkin.hpp | |
core/IOUtil.hpp | |
IterativeIK.hpp | |
Jacobian.hpp | |
JacobianIKSolver.hpp | |
JacobianIKSolverM.hpp | |
JacobianUtil.hpp | |
Joint.hpp | |
JointDevice.hpp | |
kinematics.hpp | |
Kinematics.hpp | |
KinematicSimulator.hpp | |
LinearAlgebra.hpp | |
LinearInterpolator.hpp | |
LineModel.hpp | |
Link.hpp | |
List.hpp | Representation of the Mathematica List function. |
ListPlot.hpp | Representation of the Mathematica ListPlot function. |
LloydHaywardBlend.hpp | |
Loader3DS.hpp | |
LoaderAC3D.hpp | |
LoaderAssimp.hpp | Load 3D models using the Open Asset Import Library (Assimp). |
LoaderOBJ.hpp | |
loaders.hpp | |
LoaderSTEP.hpp | |
core/Log.hpp | |
LogCollisionResult.hpp | Log detailed info from a collision detection. |
LogConstraintForceTorque.hpp | Log wrench for constraints. |
LogConstraints.hpp | Log type for constraints. |
LogContactForceTorque.hpp | Log a set of contact forces and torques. |
LogContactSet.hpp | Log a set of contacts. |
LogContactVelocities.hpp | Log a set of contact velocities. |
LogDistanceMultiResult.hpp | Log detailed info from a multi-distance detection. |
LogDistanceResult.hpp | Log detailed info from a distance detection. |
LogEquationSystem.hpp | Log entry for a linear equation system \(\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{b}\). |
LogForceTorque.hpp | Logging for forces and torques. |
LogMessage.hpp | Logging of a generic message. |
LogMessageWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the rwsim::log::LogMessage log entry. |
LogPositions.hpp | Logging of body positions. |
LogStep.hpp | A special type of scope that is also a simulation step. |
LogValues.hpp | Logging of numeric values. These values will also be used for SimulatorStatistics. |
LogValuesWidget.hpp | Graphical representation of the rwsim::log::LogValues log entry. |
LogVelocities.hpp | Logging of body velocities. |
src/rwlibs/swig/lua/LuaPlugin.hpp | A Lua plugin that define extensions for rwlibs.swig.LuaState.LuaLibrary. |
core/macros.hpp | |
Math.hpp | |
math.hpp | |
Mathematica.hpp | Implementation of the Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP) to allow communication with Mathematica. |
mathematica.hpp | Include file for all Mathematica headers |
MathematicaPlotWidget.hpp | Widget for Mathematica plots. |
core/Message.hpp | |
MessagePacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP MessagePacket. |
Metric.hpp | |
MetricFactory.hpp | |
MetricUtil.hpp | |
geometry/Model3D.hpp | |
graphics/Model3D.hpp | |
loaders/Model3DFactory.hpp | |
Model3DLoader.hpp | |
Models.hpp | |
models.hpp | |
ModRussel_NLP.hpp | |
MovableFrame.hpp | |
ODEConstraint.hpp | Allows constraining the motion between two bodies in ODE simulation. |
ODEContactStrategy.hpp | Detection of contacts using the internal ODE collision detector. |
ODELogUtil.hpp | Utility to write to SimulatorLog. |
ODEThreading.hpp | Utility functions related to the use of Open Dynamics Engine from multiple threads. |
OutputNamePacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP OutputNamePacket. |
PairMap.hpp | |
ParabolicBlend.hpp | |
ParallelDevice.hpp | |
ParallelIKSolver.hpp | |
ParallelLeg.hpp | Class representing a single leg in a ParallelDevice. |
ParametricCurve.hpp | Interface for parametric curves. A parametric curve, \( \mathbf{p}(t) \in \mathbb{R}^3 \), has its points given as a function of a single parameter, \( t \in \mathbb{R}\). |
Path.hpp | |
PathAnalyzer.hpp | |
PathLoader.hpp | |
PathPlanner.hpp | |
PDController.hpp | |
PGMLoader.hpp | |
PieperSolver.hpp | |
PiHParameterization.hpp | Parameterization of a Peg in Hole action, used by the PiHStrategy. |
PiHStrategy.hpp | Control strategy for a Peg in Hole operation. |
PlainQuadraticShell.hpp | A collection of concrete Quadratic surface patches, that together form a shell. |
PlainTriMesh.hpp | |
Plane.hpp | plane primitive represented in Hessian normal-form: a*nx+b*ny+c*nz+d=0 |
src/rwlibs/algorithms/PlaneModel.hpp | |
PlannerConstraint.hpp | |
PlannerUtil.hpp | |
Plot.hpp | Interface for generation of plot images. |
PlotView.hpp | GUI Element for showing RobWork plots. |
plugin.hpp | |
PluginRepository.hpp | |
PointModel.hpp | |
Polygon.hpp | indexed polygon class that saves N indices to the N vertices of the polygon |
PolygonUtil.hpp | Utility functions for operations on polygons, such as convex partitioning. |
Polynomial.hpp | Representation of an ordinary polynomial with scalar coefficients (that can be both real and complex). |
PolynomialND.hpp | Representation of a polynomial that can have non-scalar coefficients (polynomial matrix). |
PolynomialSolver.hpp | Find solutions for roots of real and complex polynomial equations. |
Pose6D.hpp | |
PoseController.hpp | |
PPMLoader.hpp | |
PrismaticJoint.hpp | |
PrismaticSphericalJoint.hpp | A prismatic spherical joint that allows rotations in all directions and translation along one direction. |
PrismaticUniversalJoint.hpp | A prismatic universal joint that allows rotations in two directions and translation along the third. |
core/Property.hpp | |
core/PropertyBase.hpp | |
core/PropertyMap.hpp | |
core/PropertyType.hpp | Represents type of a property. |
PropertyValue.hpp | PropertyValue class. |
PropertyValueBase.hpp | Base class for Property handling. |
proximity.hpp | |
ProximityData.hpp | |
ProximitySetup.hpp | |
ProximitySetupRule.hpp | |
ProximityStrategy.hpp | |
ProximityStrategyBullet.hpp | |
ProximityStrategyData.hpp | |
ProximityStrategyFCL.hpp | |
ProximityStrategyPlugin.hpp | A plugin providing proximity strategies for RobWork. |
ProximityStrategyPQP.hpp | |
ProximityStrategyRW.hpp | |
ProximityStrategyYaobi.hpp | |
core/Ptr.hpp | |
Q.hpp | |
QConstraint.hpp | |
QEdgeConstraint.hpp | |
QEdgeConstraintIncremental.hpp | |
QHull3D.hpp | |
QHullND.hpp | |
QIKSampler.hpp | |
QNormalizer.hpp | |
QPController.hpp | |
QPSolver.hpp | |
QSampler.hpp | |
QState.hpp | |
QToQPlanner.hpp | |
QToQSamplerPlanner.hpp | |
QToTPlanner.hpp | |
QuadraticBREP.hpp | A boundary representation where the geometry of a face is a QuadraticSurface, and an edge curve is a QuadraticCurve. |
QuadraticCurve.hpp | A quadratic curve. |
QuadraticFace.hpp | A Quadratic surface patch bounded by Quadratic curves. |
QuadraticShell.hpp | A collection of Quadratic surface patches, that together form a shell. |
QuadraticSurface.hpp | A quadratic surface. |
QuadraticTestObjects.hpp | Library of objects that are made up of Quadratic surfaces. |
QuadraticUtil.hpp | Utility functions for operations on quadratic surfaces and curves. |
Quaternion.hpp | |
RampInterpolator.hpp | |
Random.hpp | Generation of random numbers. |
RANSACModel.hpp | |
RawArray.hpp | Representation of a N-dimensional Mathematica array with fixed depth. |
RecursiveNewtonEuler.hpp | The recursive Newton-Euler method is used for calculating inverse dynamics of a kinematic tree. |
Render.hpp | |
RenderCameraFrustum.hpp | |
RenderCircles.hpp | |
contacts/RenderContacts.hpp | Render for contacts. |
drawable/RenderContacts.hpp | |
RenderForceTorque.hpp | RenderForceTorque makes a visualization of forces and torques. |
RenderFrame.hpp | |
RenderGeometry.hpp | |
RenderGhost.hpp | |
RenderImage.hpp | |
RenderLines.hpp | |
RenderMatrix.hpp | |
RenderModel3D.hpp | |
RenderPlanes.hpp | |
RenderPointCloud.hpp | |
RenderPoints.hpp | |
RenderScan.hpp | |
RenderSmoothSkin.hpp | |
RenderText.hpp | |
RenderUtil.hpp | |
RenderVelocity.hpp | Render for linear and angular velocity. |
ReturnExpressionPacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP ReturnExpressionPacket. |
ReturnPacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP ReturnPacket. |
ReturnTextPacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP ReturnTextPacket. |
RevoluteJoint.hpp | |
RGBDCameraModel.hpp | |
Rotation2D.hpp | |
Rotation3D.hpp | |
Rotation3DVector.hpp | |
RPY.hpp | |
RRTNode.hpp | |
RRTPlanner.hpp | |
RRTQToQPlanner.hpp | |
RRTTree.hpp | |
Rule.hpp | Representation of a Mathematica Rule. |
rw.hpp | |
RWGLTexture.hpp | |
SBLExpand.hpp | |
SBLInternal.hpp | SBL path planner |
SBLOptions.hpp | |
SBLPlanner.hpp | |
SBLSetup.hpp | |
Scanner2D.hpp | |
Scanner2DModel.hpp | |
SceneOpenGL.hpp | |
SE3Device.hpp | |
sensor.hpp | |
Sensor.hpp | |
SerialDevice.hpp | |
SerialDeviceController.hpp | |
Shell.hpp | A shell represents the geometry of an object as a collection of non-connected faces. |
SimulatedCamera.hpp | |
SimulatedController.hpp | |
SimulatedKinect.hpp | |
SimulatedScanner1D.hpp | |
SimulatedScanner25D.hpp | |
SimulatedScanner2D.hpp | |
SimulatedSensor.hpp | |
Simulator.hpp | |
SimulatorLog.hpp | Base class for a hierarchical simulator log. |
SimulatorLogEntry.hpp | A leaf log item with no children. |
SimulatorLogEntryWidget.hpp | A widget that is a graphical representation of a rwsim::log::SimulatorLogEntry. |
SimulatorLogModel.hpp | Model of a simulator log for Qt Tree view. |
SimulatorLogScope.hpp | A scope can have children, and the type allows hierarchical logging. |
SimulatorLogUtil.hpp | Utility to make it more convenient to write to a SimulatorLogScope. |
SimulatorLogViewer.hpp | Stand-alone application for visualization of internal data from a Physics Engine. |
SimulatorLogWidget.hpp | Widget for visualization of a simulation log. |
SimulatorStatistics.hpp | Statistics utility for automatic generation of data set based on a SimulatorLogScope. |
SimulatorStatisticsWidget.hpp | Widget for visualisation of rwsim::log::SimulatorStatistics . |
Sphere.hpp | |
SphericalJoint.hpp | A spherical joint that allows rotations in all directions. |
SpiralParameterization.hpp | Parameterization of a strategy that searches for a hole using a spiral strategy. |
SpiralStrategy.hpp | Control strategy for a Peg in Hole operation using a spiral search. |
StablePose0DModel.hpp | |
StablePose1DModel.hpp | |
State.hpp | |
StateCache.hpp | |
StateConstraint.hpp | |
StateData.hpp | |
StateSetup.hpp | |
StateStructure.hpp | |
StereoCameraModel.hpp | |
StopCriteria.hpp | |
StrategyLibraryDialog.hpp | Dialog showing examples of the available assembly strategies. |
core/StringUtil.hpp | |
StructuredLineModel.hpp | |
Surface.hpp | Surface is an abstract representation of a smooth surface geometry. |
SyncPDController.hpp | |
TactileArrayRender.hpp | |
TaskLoader.hpp | Interface for loaders of the task format. |
TaskSaver.hpp | Interface for savers of the task format. |
TaskSetupDialog.hpp | Dialog for configuration of an assembly task. |
TextPacket.hpp | A Mathematica WSTP TextPacket. |
ThreadPool.hpp | A thread pool that can be assigned work. |
ThreadSafeVariable.hpp | A thread safe protected variable. |
ThreadSimulatorStepCallbackEnv.hpp | An extension to the StepCallback function defined in ThreadSimulator that allows saving additional environment/user data. |
ThreadTask.hpp | A task that facilitates the use of a hierarchic tree of tasks and subtasks. |
Timed.hpp | Class rw::interpolator::Timed |
TimedUtil.hpp | Class rw::trajectory::TimedUtil |
Timer.hpp | |
TimerUtil.hpp | |
ToExpression.hpp | Representation of the Mathematica ToExpression function. |
trajectory.hpp | |
TrajectoryController.hpp | |
TrajectoryIterator.hpp | |
Transform2D.hpp | |
Transform3D.hpp | |
Transform3DVector.hpp | |
TreeDevice.hpp | |
TreeState.hpp | |
UniversalJoint.hpp | A universal joint that allows rotations in two directions. |
Vector.hpp | |
Vector2D.hpp | |
Vector3D.hpp | |
VectorIterator.hpp | |
VectorND.hpp | |
VelocityScrew6D.hpp | |
VelRampController.hpp | |
VirtualJoint.hpp | |
WorkCell.hpp | |
WorkCellLoader.hpp | |
Wrench6D.hpp | |
XML.hpp | |
Z3Planner.hpp | |
Z3QToQPlanner.hpp | |