RobWorkProject  23.9.11-
Classes | Namespaces
SerialDeviceController.hpp File Reference
#include <rw/core/Ptr.hpp>
#include <rw/math/Q.hpp>
#include <rw/math/Transform3D.hpp>
#include <rw/math/VelocityScrew6D.hpp>
#include <rw/math/Wrench6D.hpp>
#include <rw/trajectory/Trajectory.hpp>
#include <rwlibs/simulation/SimulatedController.hpp>
#include <rwsim/dynamics/DynamicDevice.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>


class  SerialDeviceController
 a SerialDeviceController that enables control of the robot in both position, velocity and force modes. Also both joint and cartesean control is available. More...
struct  SerialDeviceController::CompiledTarget
struct  SerialDeviceController::Target


 Deprecated namespace since 16/4-2020 for this class.
 Inverse kinematics interfaces and iksolver classes.
 Sensor interfaces.
 RobWorkSim is the dynamic simulation framework of RobWork.