Class JacobianIKSolver

  • public class JacobianIKSolver
    extends IterativeIK
    A Jacobian based iterative inverse kinematics algorithm for devices with a single end

    This algorithm does implicitly handle joint limits, however it is possible to force the
    solution within joint limits using clamping in each iterative step. If joint clamping is not
    enabled then this algorithm might contain joint values that are out of bounds.

    The method uses an Newton-Raphson iterative approach and is based on using the inverse of
    the device Jacobian to compute each local solution in each iteration. Several methods for
    calculating/approximating the inverse Jacobian are available, where the SVD method currently
    is the most stable, see the JacobianSolverType option for additional options.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JacobianIKSolver

        public JacobianIKSolver​(long cPtr,
                                boolean cMemoryOwn)
      • JacobianIKSolver

        public JacobianIKSolver​(DeviceCPtr device,
                                State state)
        Constructs JacobianIKSolver for device device.
        device - [in] the device to do inverse kinematics for.
        state - [in] the initial state.
      • JacobianIKSolver

        public JacobianIKSolver​(DeviceCPtr device,
                                FrameCPtr foi,
                                State state)
        Constructs JacobianIKSolver for device, where the frame foi will
        be used as end effector.
        device - [in] the device to do inverse kinematics for.
        foi - [in] end effector frame.
        state - [in] the initial state.
    • Method Detail

      • solve

        public VectorQ solve​(Transform3D baseTend,
                             State state)
        Description copied from class: InvKinSolver
        Calculates the inverse kinematics

        Given a desired \robabx{}{desired}{\mathbf{T}}
        and the current state, the method solves the inverse kinematics

        If the algorithm is able to identify multiple solutions (e.g. elbow
        up and down) it will return all of these. Before returning a solution,
        they may be checked to be within the bounds of the configuration space.
        (See setCheckJointLimits(bool) )

        solve in class InvKinSolver
        baseTend - [in] Desired base to end transformation \robabx{}{desired}{\mathbf{T}}

        state - [in] State of the device from which to start the

        List of solutions. Notice that the list may be empty.

        Note: The targets baseTend must be defined relative to the base of the
      • setInterpolatorStep

        public void setInterpolatorStep​(double interpolatorStep)
        sets the maximal step length that is allowed on the
        local search towards the solution.
        interpolatorStep - [in] the interpolation step.
      • setEnableInterpolation

        public void setEnableInterpolation​(boolean enableInterpolation)
        the solver may fail or be very slow if the the solution is too far from the
        initial configuration. This function enables the use of via points generated using
        an interpolation from initial end effector configuration to the goal target.
        enableInterpolation - [in] set true to enable interpolation, false otherwise
      • solveLocal

        public boolean solveLocal​(Transform3D bTed,
                                  double maxError,
                                  State state,
                                  int maxIter)
        performs a local search toward the target bTed. No via points
        are generated to support the convergence and robustness.
        bTed - [in] the target end pose
        maxError - [in] the maximal allowed error
        state - [in/out] the starting position for the search. The end position will
        also be saved in this state.
        maxIter - [in] max number of iterations
        true if error is below max error
        Note: the result will be saved in state
      • setClampToBounds

        public void setClampToBounds​(boolean enableClamping)
        enables clamping of the solution such that solution always is within joint limits
        enableClamping - [in] true to enable clamping, false otherwise
      • setSolverType

        public void setSolverType​(JacobianIKSolver.JacobianSolverType type)
        set the type of solver to use for stepping toward a solution
        type - [in] the type of jacobian solver
      • setWeightVector

        public void setWeightVector​(SWIGTYPE_p_Eigen__VectorXd weights)
        setWeightVector sets the weight vector used for solver type "Weighted"
        weights - a vector of weights for each degree of freedom, ie weights.size() == DOF
      • setWeightVector

        public void setWeightVector​(vector_d weights)
        setWeightVector sets the weight vector used for solver type "Weighted"
        weights - a vector of weights for each degree of freedom, ie weights.size() == DOF
      • setJointLimitTolerance

        public void setJointLimitTolerance​(double tolerance)
        setJointLimitTolerance set the tolerance used for bound-checking the solution
        tolerance - for joint bounds checking
      • setCheckJointLimits

        public void setCheckJointLimits​(boolean check)
        Description copied from class: InvKinSolver
        Specifies whether to check joint limits before returning a solution.

        setCheckJointLimits in class InvKinSolver
        check - [in] If true the method should perform a check that joints are within
      • getTCP

        public FrameCPtr getTCP()
        Description copied from class: InvKinSolver
        Returns the Tool Center Point (TCP) used when solving the IK problem.

        getTCP in class InvKinSolver
        The TCP Frame used when solving the IK.