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Path-planning for devices. More...


class  PlannerConstraint
 A tuple of (QConstraintPtr, QEdgeConstraintPtr). More...
class  PlannerUtil
 PlannerUtil provides various utilities useful in path planning. More...
class  QConstraint
 Interface for the checking for collisions for work cell states. More...
class  QIKSampler
 Interface for the sampling a configuration that solves an IK problem. More...
class  QNormalizer
 Normalization of configurations. More...
class  QSampler
 Interface for the sampling a configuration. More...
class  StateConstraint
 Interface for the checking for collisions for work cell states. More...
class  StopCriteria
 StopCriteria is a class for specifying an instant a compution should be aborted. More...
class  ARWExpand
 ARWExpand expands a random walk in the configuration space by one step. More...
class  SBLExpand
 Interface for sampling a configuration in the vicinity of some other configuration. More...


typedef rw::core::Ptr< PlannerConstraintPtr
 smart pointer type to this class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< const PlannerConstraintCPtr
 smart pointer type to this const class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< QConstraintPtr
 smart pointer type to this class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< const QConstraintCPtr
 smart pointer type to this const class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< QIKSamplerPtr
 smart pointer type to this class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< const QIKSamplerCPtr
 smart pointer type to this const class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< QNormalizerPtr
 smart pointer type to this class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< QSamplerPtr
 smart pointer type to this class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< const QSamplerCPtr
 smart pointer type to this const class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< StateConstraintPtr
 smart pointer type to this class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< const StateConstraintCPtr
 smart pointer type to this class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< StopCriteriaPtr
 smart pointer type to this class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< ARWExpandPtr
 smart pointer type to this class
typedef rw::core::Ptr< SBLExpandPtr
 Smart pointer type for SBLExpand.
typedef std::pair< rw::math::Q, rw::math::QQBox
 A configuration space in the shape of a box. More...


enum  EstimateType { WORSTCASE = 0 , AVERAGE }
 Description of the different estimation type possible in the estimateMotionWeights(EsitmateType, size_t) method. More...


 PlannerConstraint ()
 Default constructed without constraints initialized.
 PlannerConstraint (rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint > constraint, QEdgeConstraint::Ptr edge)
 A (QConstraintPtr, QEdgeConstraintPtr) tuple. More...
bool inCollision (const rw::math::Q &q)
 Forwards call to the QConstraint wrapped by the PlannerConstraint.
bool inCollision (const rw::math::Q &q1, const rw::math::Q &q2)
 Forwards call to the QEdgeConstraint wrapped by the PlannerConstraint.
QConstraintgetQConstraint () const
 The configuration constraint.
QEdgeConstraintgetQEdgeConstraint () const
 The edge constraint.
const rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint > & getQConstraintPtr () const
 The configuration constraint pointer.
const QEdgeConstraint::PtrgetQEdgeConstraintPtr () const
 The edge constraint pointer.
static PlannerConstraint make (rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint > constraint, QEdgeConstraint::Ptr edge)
 A (QConstraintPtr, QEdgeConstraintPtr) tuple. More...
static PlannerConstraint make (rw::core::Ptr< rw::proximity::CollisionDetector > detector, rw::core::Ptr< const rw::models::Device > device, const rw::kinematics::State &state)
 Planner constraint for a collision detector. More...
static PlannerConstraint make (rw::core::Ptr< rw::proximity::CollisionStrategy > strategy, rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::WorkCell > workcell, rw::core::Ptr< const rw::models::Device > device, const rw::kinematics::State &state)
 Planner constraint for a collision strategy. More...
static PlannerConstraint make (rw::core::Ptr< rw::proximity::CollisionStrategy > strategy, const rw::proximity::CollisionSetup &setup, rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::WorkCell > workcell, rw::core::Ptr< const rw::models::Device > device, const rw::kinematics::State &state)
 Planner constraint for a collision strategy and collision setup. More...
static bool inCollision (const PlannerConstraint &constraint, const std::vector< rw::math::Q > &path)
 Collision checking for a path of configurations. More...
static bool inCollision (const PlannerConstraint &constraint, const rw::math::Q &start, const rw::math::Q &end, bool checkStart=true, bool checkEnd=true)
 Collision checking for a segment. More...
static bool inCollision (const PlannerConstraint &constraint, const rw::math::Q &q)
 Collision checking for a configuration. More...
static rw::math::QMetric::Ptr normalizingInfinityMetric (const rw::models::Device::QBox &bounds, double length=1)
 Weighted infinity metric that maps the maps the longest vector in the configuration space to a given length. More...
static rw::math::QMetric::Ptr timeMetric (const rw::models::Device &device)
 Metric for the distance in time between a pair of configurations. More...
static rw::math::QMetric::Ptr timeMetric (const rw::math::Q &speed)
 Metric for the distance in time between a pair of configurations. More...
static rw::math::Q estimateMotionWeights (const rw::models::Device &device, rw::core::Ptr< const rw::kinematics::Frame > frame, const rw::kinematics::State &initialState, EstimateType type, size_t samples)
 Estimate the distance traveled by the frame, when moving the joints. More...
static rw::math::Q clampPosition (const rw::models::Device &device, const rw::math::Q &q)
 Clamps values to be within bounds. More...
static rw::math::Q clampPosition (const rw::models::Device::QBox &bounds, const rw::math::Q &q)
 Clamps values to be within bounds. More...
virtual ~QConstraint ()
virtual void setLog (rw::core::Log::Ptr log)
 Set the log to be used for writing debug info. More...
void update (const rw::kinematics::State &state)
 Updates the constraint with a new state. More...
bool inCollision (const rw::math::Q &q) const
 True if the work cell is considered to be in collision for the device configuration q.
static QConstraint::Ptr makeFixed (bool value)
 A fixed constraint. The fixed constraint always returns value from inCollision().
static QConstraint::Ptr makeBounds (const rw::models::Device::QBox &bounds)
 Constraint for the bounds of the configuration space. The configuration is considered to be in collision if it is outside of the bounds given by bounds.
static QConstraint::Ptr make (rw::core::Ptr< StateConstraint > detector, rw::models::Device::CPtr device, const rw::kinematics::State &state)
 Map a state constraint to a configuration constraint.
static QConstraint::Ptr make (rw::core::Ptr< rw::proximity::CollisionDetector > detector, rw::models::Device::CPtr device, const rw::kinematics::State &state)
 Map a collision detector to a configuration constraint.
static QConstraint::Ptr makeMerged (const std::vector< QConstraint::Ptr > &constraints)
 Combine a set of configuration constraints into a single configuration constraint.
static QConstraint::Ptr makeMerged (const QConstraint::Ptr &ca, const QConstraint::Ptr &cb)
 Combine a pair of configuration constraints into a single configuration constraint.
static QConstraint::Ptr makeNormalized (const QConstraint::Ptr &constraint, const std::pair< rw::math::Q, rw::math::Q > &bounds)
 Map a configuration constraint for standard configurations into a configuration constraint for normalized configurations. More...
static QConstraint::Ptr makeNormalized (const QConstraint::Ptr &constraint, const rw::models::Device &device)
 Map a configuration constraint for standard configurations into a configuration constraint for normalized configurations. More...
static QConstraint::Ptr makeNormalized (const QConstraint::Ptr &constraint, const QNormalizer &normalizer)
 Map a configuration constraint for standard configurations into a configuration constraint for normalized configurations. More...
virtual bool doInCollision (const rw::math::Q &q) const =0
 Subclass implementation of the inCollision() method.
virtual void doSetLog (rw::core::Log::Ptr log)=0
 Set a log. More...
virtual void doUpdate (const rw::kinematics::State &state)
 Update constraint. More...
 QConstraint ()
rw::math::Q sample (const rw::math::Transform3D<> &target)
 Sample a configuration that solves an IK problem for target. More...
bool empty () const
 True if the sampler is known to contain no more configurations.
virtual ~QIKSampler ()
static QIKSampler::Ptr make (rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::Device > device, const rw::kinematics::State &state, rw::core::Ptr< rw::invkin::IterativeIK > solver=NULL, rw::core::Ptr< QSampler > seed=NULL, int maxAttempts=-1)
 An IK sampler based on an iterative IK solver. More...
static QIKSampler::Ptr makeConstrained (QIKSampler::Ptr sampler, rw::core::Ptr< QConstraint > constraint, int maxAttempts=-1)
 An IK sampler filtered by a constraint. More...
 QIKSampler ()
virtual rw::math::Q doSample (const rw::math::Transform3D<> &target)=0
 Subclass implementation of the sample() method.
virtual bool doEmpty () const
 Subclass implementation of the empty() method. More...
rw::math::Q fromNormalized (const rw::math::Q &q) const
 Convert from a normalized configuration to a real configuration.
rw::math::Q toNormalized (const rw::math::Q &q) const
 Convert a real configuration to a normalized configuration.
void setFromNormalized (rw::math::Q &q) const
 Convert from a normalized configuration to a real configuration and assign the real configuration to q.
void setToNormalized (rw::math::Q &q) const
 Convert a real configuration to a normalized configuration and write the normalized configuration to q.
const std::pair< rw::math::Q, rw::math::Q > & getBounds () const
 The box of the configuration space with respect to which normalization is done.
 QNormalizer (const std::pair< rw::math::Q, rw::math::Q > &bounds)
 Normalizer for the configuration space box given by bounds.
static QNormalizer identity ()
 Normalizer for the already normalized configuration space box.
rw::math::Q sample ()
 Sample a configuration. More...
bool empty () const
 True if the sampler is known to contain no more configurations.
virtual ~QSampler ()
static QSampler::Ptr makeEmpty ()
 Empty sampler.
static QSampler::Ptr makeFixed (const rw::math::Q &q)
 Sampler that always returns the same configuration. More...
static QSampler::Ptr makeSingle (const rw::math::Q &q)
 Sampler that always returns a single configuration. More...
static QSampler::Ptr makeFinite (const std::vector< rw::math::Q > &qs)
 Sampler for the values of a finite sequence. More...
static QSampler::Ptr makeFinite (QSampler::Ptr sampler, int cnt)
 A sampler to that returns only the first cnt samples from another sampler. More...
static QSampler::Ptr makeUniform (const rw::models::Device::QBox &bounds)
 Uniform random sampling for a box of the configuration space.
static QSampler::Ptr makeUniform (const rw::models::Device &device)
 Uniform random sampling for a device.
static QSampler::Ptr makeUniform (rw::models::Device::CPtr device)
 Uniform random sampling for a device.
static QSampler::Ptr makeNormalized (QSampler::Ptr sampler, const QNormalizer &normalizer)
 Map a sampler of standard configurations into a sampler of normalized configurations.
static QSampler::Ptr make (rw::core::Ptr< QIKSampler > sampler, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &target)
 A sampler of IK solutions for a specific target. More...
static QSampler::Ptr makeConstrained (QSampler::Ptr sampler, rw::core::Ptr< const QConstraint > constraint, int maxAttempts=-1)
 A sampler filtered by a constraint. More...
static QSampler::Ptr makeBoxDirectionSampler (const rw::models::Device::QBox &bounds)
 Sampler of direction vectors for a box shaped configuration space. More...
 QSampler ()
virtual rw::math::Q doSample ()=0
 Subclass implementation of the sample() method.
virtual bool doEmpty () const
 Subclass implementation of the empty() method. More...
virtual void setLog (rw::core::Ptr< rw::core::Log > log)
 Set the log to be used for writing debug info. More...
bool inCollision (const rw::kinematics::State &state) const
 True if the work cell is considered to be in collision for the work cell state state.
virtual ~StateConstraint ()
static StateConstraint::Ptr make (rw::core::Ptr< rw::proximity::CollisionDetector > detector)
 Map a collision detector to a state constraint.
static StateConstraint::Ptr make (const std::vector< StateConstraint::Ptr > &constraints)
 Combine a set of state constraints into a single state constraint.
virtual bool doInCollision (const rw::kinematics::State &state) const =0
 Subclass implementation of the inCollision() method.
virtual void doSetLog (rw::core::Ptr< rw::core::Log > log)=0
 Set a log. More...
 StateConstraint ()
bool stop () const
 True is returned when the computation should be stopped.
StopCriteria::Ptr instance () const
 A new instance of the property constructed to match the original initial state of the criteria. More...
virtual ~StopCriteria ()
static StopCriteria::Ptr stopAfter (double time)
 Stop the computation after time seconds from now. More...
static StopCriteria::Ptr stopNever ()
 Never stop the computation.
static StopCriteria::Ptr stopNow ()
 Immediately stop the computation.
static StopCriteria::Ptr stopByFlag (bool *stop)
 Stop the computation when stop says so. More...
static StopCriteria::Ptr stopByFun (boost::function< bool()> fun)
 Stop the computation when fun says so.
static StopCriteria::Ptr stopCnt (int cnt)
 Stop the computation after cnt calls of the stop criteria.
static StopCriteria::Ptr stopEither (const std::vector< StopCriteria::Ptr > &criteria)
 Stop if either of criteria says stop.
static StopCriteria::Ptr stopEither (const StopCriteria::Ptr &a, const StopCriteria::Ptr &b)
 Stop if either a or b says stop.
 StopCriteria ()
virtual bool doStop () const =0
 Subclass implementation of the stop() method.
virtual StopCriteria::Ptr doInstance () const =0
 Subclass implementation of the instance() method.
bool expand ()
 Expand the path by one step and return true if a new configuration was added to the path. More...
ARWExpand::Ptr duplicate (const rw::math::Q &start) const
 Construct a new random walk with start node at start.
virtual ~ARWExpand ()
const rw::trajectory::QPathgetPath () const
 The current path of the random walk.
static ARWExpand::Ptr make (const rw::models::Device::QBox &bounds, const rw::pathplanning::PlannerConstraint &constraint, const rw::math::Q &minVariances=rw::math::Q(), int historySize=-1)
 Constructor. More...
 ARWExpand ()
virtual bool doExpand ()=0
 Subclass implementation of the expand() method. More...
virtual ARWExpand::Ptr doDuplicate (const rw::math::Q &start) const =0
 Subclass implementation of the duplicate() method.
rw::math::Q expand (const rw::math::Q &q)
 A configuration sampled from the vicinity of q. More...
static SBLExpand::Ptr makeUniformBox (const QBox &outer, const QBox &inner)
static SBLExpand::Ptr makeUniformBox (const QBox &outer, double ratio)
static SBLExpand::Ptr makeShrinkingUniformBox (rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint > constraint, const QBox &outer, const QBox &inner)
 Sample within a box of decreasing size until a collision free configuration is found. More...
static SBLExpand::Ptr makeShrinkingUniformBox (rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint > constraint, const QBox &outer, double ratio)
 Sample within a box of shrinking size until a collision free configuration is found. More...
static SBLExpand::Ptr makeShrinkingUniformJacobianBox (rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint > constraint, rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::Device > device, const rw::kinematics::State &state, rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::JacobianCalculator > jacobian, double angle_max=-1, double disp_max=-1)
 Sample within a box of shrinking size until a collision free configuration is found. More...
virtual ~SBLExpand ()
 SBLExpand ()
virtual rw::math::Q doExpand (const rw::math::Q &q)=0
 Subclass implementation of the expand() method.


rw::trajectory::QPath _path
 The path of random walk.

Detailed Description

Path-planning for devices.

Typedef Documentation

◆ QBox

typedef std::pair<rw::math::Q, rw::math::Q> QBox

A configuration space in the shape of a box.

The box is given by a lower and upper corner.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EstimateType

Description of the different estimation type possible in the estimateMotionWeights(EsitmateType, size_t) method.


Estimate weights corresponding to the maximal distance *‍/.


Estimate weights corresponding to the average distance *‍/.

Function Documentation

◆ clampPosition() [1/2]

static rw::math::Q clampPosition ( const rw::models::Device device,
const rw::math::Q q 

Clamps values to be within bounds.

The method treats all joints individually and clamps them to be within the position bounds of the device

device[in] The device for the configurations.
q[in] Configuration to clamp
The clamped configuration

◆ clampPosition() [2/2]

static rw::math::Q clampPosition ( const rw::models::Device::QBox bounds,
const rw::math::Q q 

Clamps values to be within bounds.

The method treats all joints individually and clamps them to be within the position bounds of the configuration space box.

bounds[in] The bounds of the configuration space
q[in] Configuration to clamp
The clamped configuration

◆ doEmpty() [1/2]

virtual bool doEmpty ( ) const

Subclass implementation of the empty() method.

By default the sampler is assumed to be sampling an infinite set of configurations. IOW. the function returns false by default.

◆ doEmpty() [2/2]

virtual bool doEmpty ( ) const

Subclass implementation of the empty() method.

By default the sampler is assumed to be sampling an infinite set of configurations. IOW. the function returns false by default.

◆ doExpand()

virtual bool doExpand ( )
protectedpure virtual

Subclass implementation of the expand() method.

The doExpand() adds one or more nodes to _path if and only if the method returns true.

◆ doSetLog() [1/2]

virtual void doSetLog ( rw::core::Log::Ptr  log)
protectedpure virtual

Set a log.

log[in] the log.

◆ doSetLog() [2/2]

virtual void doSetLog ( rw::core::Ptr< rw::core::Log log)
protectedpure virtual

Set a log.

log[in] the log.

◆ doUpdate()

virtual void doUpdate ( const rw::kinematics::State state)

Update constraint.

state[in] the state.

◆ estimateMotionWeights()

static rw::math::Q estimateMotionWeights ( const rw::models::Device device,
rw::core::Ptr< const rw::kinematics::Frame frame,
const rw::kinematics::State initialState,
EstimateType  type,
size_t  samples 

Estimate the distance traveled by the frame, when moving the joints.

The estimate is based on sampling samples random configuration and using the Jacobian to estimate the distance traveled when moving the joints. This estimate can be used in the WeightedEuclideanMetric.

device[in] Device to estimate weights for
frame[in] Frame to calculate weights for. If null the device end frame will be used
initialState[in] Initial state to use in estimation
type[in] The estimation type
samples[in] The number of samples to use (default 1000)
Weights representing the distance

◆ expand() [1/2]

bool expand ( )

Expand the path by one step and return true if a new configuration was added to the path.

The current path can be retrieved with ARWExpand::getPath().

True iff a node was added to the end of the path.

◆ expand() [2/2]

rw::math::Q expand ( const rw::math::Q q)

A configuration sampled from the vicinity of q.

Implementation dependant, the sampler may return the empty configuration if no configurations can be sampled near q.

◆ inCollision() [1/3]

static bool inCollision ( const PlannerConstraint constraint,
const rw::math::Q q 

Collision checking for a configuration.

constraint[in] Collision checking constraint.
q[in] Configuration to check for collisions.

◆ inCollision() [2/3]

static bool inCollision ( const PlannerConstraint constraint,
const rw::math::Q start,
const rw::math::Q end,
bool  checkStart = true,
bool  checkEnd = true 

Collision checking for a segment.

start[in] Start of segment
end[in] End of segment
constraint[in] Constraint for segment
checkStart[in] Check start configuration for collision.
checkEnd[in] Check end configuration for collision.

◆ inCollision() [3/3]

static bool inCollision ( const PlannerConstraint constraint,
const std::vector< rw::math::Q > &  path 

Collision checking for a path of configurations.

Each configuration and edge of path is checked using the configuration and edge constraints of constraint.

constraint [in] Constraint for path.

path [in] Sequence of configurations.

true iff path is in collision.

◆ instance()

StopCriteria::Ptr instance ( ) const

A new instance of the property constructed to match the original initial state of the criteria.

This implies, for example, that instance() called for a time criteria creates a new criteria that stops after the same amount of time that was specified for the original stop criteria.

Not all stop criteria returned are required to behave this way. For some types of stop criteria, the instances of the stop criteria will be effectively identical to the stop criteria itself.

◆ make() [1/7]

static ARWExpand::Ptr make ( const rw::models::Device::QBox bounds,
const rw::pathplanning::PlannerConstraint constraint,
const rw::math::Q minVariances = rw::math::Q(),
int  historySize = -1 


The expansion method computes the variance for the latest historySize elements of the path and performs one step sampled from a Gaussian distribution with the computed variances. Variances lower than minVariances are never used.

If minVariances is empty, then a default value is chosen based on bounds.

If historySize is negative, a default value is chosen.

bounds[in] Configuration space bounds.
constraint[in] Path planning constraint.
minVariances[in] Minimum variances.
historySize[in] Number of previous elements of the path to use for variance computation.

◆ make() [2/7]

static QSampler::Ptr make ( rw::core::Ptr< QIKSampler sampler,
const rw::math::Transform3D<> &  target 

A sampler of IK solutions for a specific target.

sampler[in] Sampler of IK solutions for target.
target[in] Target for IK solver.

◆ make() [3/7]

static QIKSampler::Ptr make ( rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::Device device,
const rw::kinematics::State state,
rw::core::Ptr< rw::invkin::IterativeIK solver = NULL,
rw::core::Ptr< QSampler seed = NULL,
int  maxAttempts = -1 

An IK sampler based on an iterative IK solver.

All solutions returned are checked to be within the bounds of the device.

device[in] The device for which seeds are sampled.
state[in] Fixed state with respect to which IK is solved.
solver[in] Optional IK solver for device and state.
seed[in] Optional sampler of seeds to feed the IK solver.
maxAttempts[in] Optional number of seeds to feed the IK solver. If maxAttempts is negative, a default value for maxAttempts is chosen.

◆ make() [4/7]

static PlannerConstraint make ( rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint constraint,
QEdgeConstraint::Ptr  edge 

A (QConstraintPtr, QEdgeConstraintPtr) tuple.

This is equivalent to the standard constructor.

◆ make() [5/7]

static PlannerConstraint make ( rw::core::Ptr< rw::proximity::CollisionDetector detector,
rw::core::Ptr< const rw::models::Device device,
const rw::kinematics::State state 

Planner constraint for a collision detector.

Path are checked discretely for a default device dependent resolution.

◆ make() [6/7]

Planner constraint for a collision strategy and collision setup.

Path are checked discretely for a default device dependent resolution.

◆ make() [7/7]

static PlannerConstraint make ( rw::core::Ptr< rw::proximity::CollisionStrategy strategy,
rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::WorkCell workcell,
rw::core::Ptr< const rw::models::Device device,
const rw::kinematics::State state 

Planner constraint for a collision strategy.

Path are checked discretely for a default device dependent resolution.

The default collision setup of the workcell is used.

◆ makeBoxDirectionSampler()

static QSampler::Ptr makeBoxDirectionSampler ( const rw::models::Device::QBox bounds)

Sampler of direction vectors for a box shaped configuration space.

Each random direction vector is found by sampling a configuration uniformly at random from bounds, and returning the vector from the center of the box to the configuration. The returned direction vector can therefore be of length zero.

◆ makeConstrained() [1/2]

static QIKSampler::Ptr makeConstrained ( QIKSampler::Ptr  sampler,
rw::core::Ptr< QConstraint constraint,
int  maxAttempts = -1 

An IK sampler filtered by a constraint.

For each call of sample() up to maxAttempts configurations are extracted from sampler and checked by constraint. The first sample that satisfies the constraint is returned; if no such were found the empty configuration is returned.

If maxAttempts is negative, then sampler is sampled forever until either the sampler is empty or a configuration satisfying constraint is found.

◆ makeConstrained() [2/2]

static QSampler::Ptr makeConstrained ( QSampler::Ptr  sampler,
rw::core::Ptr< const QConstraint constraint,
int  maxAttempts = -1 

A sampler filtered by a constraint.

For each call of sample() up to maxAttempts configurations are extracted from sampler and checked by constraint. The first sample that satisfies the constraint is returned; if no such were found the empty configuration is returned.

If maxAttempts is negative (this is the default), then sampler is sampled forever until either the sampler is empty or a configuration satisfying constraint is found.

◆ makeFinite() [1/2]

static QSampler::Ptr makeFinite ( const std::vector< rw::math::Q > &  qs)

Sampler for the values of a finite sequence.

sample() returns each of the values of qs in order. When all of these samples have been returned, empty() returns true and sample() returns the empty configuration.

◆ makeFinite() [2/2]

static QSampler::Ptr makeFinite ( QSampler::Ptr  sampler,
int  cnt 

A sampler to that returns only the first cnt samples from another sampler.

The sampler is considered empty as soon as sampler is empty or the sampler has been called cnt times or more.

◆ makeFixed()

static QSampler::Ptr makeFixed ( const rw::math::Q q)

Sampler that always returns the same configuration.

The sampler is considered never empty (empty() always returns false).

◆ makeNormalized() [1/3]

static QConstraint::Ptr makeNormalized ( const QConstraint::Ptr constraint,
const QNormalizer normalizer 

Map a configuration constraint for standard configurations into a configuration constraint for normalized configurations.

Configuration values are mapped from normalized configurations into standard configurations using normalizer.

◆ makeNormalized() [2/3]

static QConstraint::Ptr makeNormalized ( const QConstraint::Ptr constraint,
const rw::models::Device device 

Map a configuration constraint for standard configurations into a configuration constraint for normalized configurations.

Configuration values are mapped from the range [0, 1] into the corresponding position in the configuration space of device.

◆ makeNormalized() [3/3]

static QConstraint::Ptr makeNormalized ( const QConstraint::Ptr constraint,
const std::pair< rw::math::Q, rw::math::Q > &  bounds 

Map a configuration constraint for standard configurations into a configuration constraint for normalized configurations.

Configuration values are mapped from the range [0, 1] into the corresponding position in the box bounds.

◆ makeShrinkingUniformBox() [1/2]

static SBLExpand::Ptr makeShrinkingUniformBox ( rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint constraint,
const QBox outer,
const QBox inner 

Sample within a box of decreasing size until a collision free configuration is found.

The inner box shrinks in size as 1, 1/2, 1/3, ...

This form of expansion is typical for SBL planners.

The inner and outer box are specified as explained for makeUniformBox().

◆ makeShrinkingUniformBox() [2/2]

static SBLExpand::Ptr makeShrinkingUniformBox ( rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint constraint,
const QBox outer,
double  ratio 

Sample within a box of shrinking size until a collision free configuration is found.

The inner box shrinks in size as 1, 1/2, 1/3, ...

This form of expansion is typical for SBL planners.

The inner and outer box are specified as explained for makeUniformBox().

◆ makeShrinkingUniformJacobianBox()

static SBLExpand::Ptr makeShrinkingUniformJacobianBox ( rw::core::Ptr< rw::pathplanning::QConstraint constraint,
rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::Device device,
const rw::kinematics::State state,
rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::JacobianCalculator jacobian,
double  angle_max = -1,
double  disp_max = -1 

Sample within a box of shrinking size until a collision free configuration is found.

The size of the inner box depends on the Jacobian of the current configuration. The radius for the i'th dimension of the inner box is

R_i = min(angle_max / angle_vel, disp_max / disp_vel)

where angle_vel is the magnitude of the angular velocity and disp_vel is the magnitude of the translational velocity.

If jacobian is NULL, a default device Jacobian is chosen based on device.

If angle_max or disp_max is negative, a default value for the variable is chosen.

The inner box shrinks in size as 1, 1/2, 1/3, ...

◆ makeSingle()

static QSampler::Ptr makeSingle ( const rw::math::Q q)

Sampler that always returns a single configuration.

The sample() returns q the first time the method is called and the empty configuration otherwise. empty() returns true after the first call of sample().

◆ makeUniformBox() [1/2]

static SBLExpand::Ptr makeUniformBox ( const QBox outer,
const QBox inner 
       @brief Expansion within the overlap of an inner and outer box.

       Given a configuration \b q, the expand() method returns a configuration
       sampled uniformly at random from the intersection between
q + inner


       Given a \b device, you typically use \b device.getBounds() as the box
       for the outer configuration space.

       If the overlap between the boxes is empty, expand() returns the empty

◆ makeUniformBox() [2/2]

static SBLExpand::Ptr makeUniformBox ( const QBox outer,
double  ratio 
       @brief Expansion within a scaled down box of the configuration space.

       Given a configuration \b q, the expand() method samples a
       configuration uniformly at random from the intersection between
q + inner



where inner equals outer scaled by a factor of ratio and centered at origo.

This is a form of expansion you will use in a standard implementation of an SBL planner.

ratio must be positive.

If outer is non-empty, the expand() method will always return a non-empty configuration.

◆ normalizingInfinityMetric()

static rw::math::QMetric::Ptr normalizingInfinityMetric ( const rw::models::Device::QBox bounds,
double  length = 1 

Weighted infinity metric that maps the maps the longest vector in the configuration space to a given length.

bounds[in] Lower and upper corner of the configuration space.
length[in] The wanted distance between lower and upper corner.
Metric for which the distance from lower to upper corner equals length.

◆ PlannerConstraint()

A (QConstraintPtr, QEdgeConstraintPtr) tuple.

The constraints must be non-null.

◆ QConstraint()

QConstraint ( )


◆ sample() [1/2]

rw::math::Q sample ( )

Sample a configuration.

If sampling fails, the sampler may return the empty configuration. If empty() is true then the sampler has no more configurations. Otherwise sample() may (or may not) succeed if called a second time.

◆ sample() [2/2]

rw::math::Q sample ( const rw::math::Transform3D<> &  target)

Sample a configuration that solves an IK problem for target.

If sampling fails, the sampler may return the empty configuration. If empty() is true then the sampler has no more configurations. Otherwise sample() may (or may not) succeed if called a second time.

◆ setLog() [1/2]

virtual void setLog ( rw::core::Log::Ptr  log)

Set the log to be used for writing debug info.

log[in] Log to which debug information is to be written

◆ setLog() [2/2]

virtual void setLog ( rw::core::Ptr< rw::core::Log log)

Set the log to be used for writing debug info.

log[in] Log to which debug information is to be written

◆ stopAfter()

static StopCriteria::Ptr stopAfter ( double  time)

Stop the computation after time seconds from now.

RobWork does not link with a thread library, and therefore this function is implemented by polling a timer. This makes the function relatively slow for its purpose.

◆ stopByFlag()

static StopCriteria::Ptr stopByFlag ( bool *  stop)

Stop the computation when stop says so.

stop must be non-null.

Ownership of stop is not taken.

◆ timeMetric() [1/2]

static rw::math::QMetric::Ptr timeMetric ( const rw::math::Q speed)

Metric for the distance in time between a pair of configurations.

The metric implements a simple scaled infinity-norm metric: The metric assumes that the joints move synchronously with the joint velocities given by speed.

◆ timeMetric() [2/2]

static rw::math::QMetric::Ptr timeMetric ( const rw::models::Device device)

Metric for the distance in time between a pair of configurations.

The metric implements a simple scaled infinity-norm metric: The metric assumes that the joints move synchronously with the maximum joint velocities given by device.

◆ update()

void update ( const rw::kinematics::State state)

Updates the constraint with a new state.

The method might not have an effect on all constrainttypes.

◆ ~StateConstraint()

virtual ~StateConstraint ( )
