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▼RobWork | RobWork library |
Core | Most basic types for RobWork. |
Common utils | Various utilities and definitions of general use. |
Math | Matrices, vectors, configurations, and more. |
Kinematics | Kinematic modelling. |
Models | Workcell and device models. |
Inverse Kinematics | Inverse kinematics interfaces and iksolver classes. |
Pathplanning | Path-planning for devices. |
Geometry | Loading and storing of CAD models. |
Proximity | Interfaces for collision checking and distance calculation. |
Graphics | Generic scene graph related stuff. |
▼Loaders | Workcell loaders and other loaders. |
Extension Points | This group should contain all extension points of RobWork |
Sensors | Sensor interfaces. |
Plugin | The plugin infrastructure, including extension and extension point mechanism. |
Trajectory | Trajectory, path, interpolation and blending. |
Task | Task descriptions. |
Serialization | Serialization framework |
▼RobWork Extension Libraries | Extension libraries for RobWork |
algorithms | Various algorithms. |
assembly | Assembly strategies and task & result formats for assembly operations. |
Geometry | Custom geometry implementations. |
Mathematica | Implementation of the Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP) to allow communication with Mathematica. |
proximitystrategies | Proximity strategies. |
dll | Dynamic library loading. |
OpenGL | OpenGL drawing of workcells and geometries. |
pathplanners | Path planners. |
lua | A Lua interface to RobWork. |
os | A collection of OS specific include configurations. |
pathoptimization | A collection of pathoptimization algorihms. |
simulation | Simulation of cameras and other I/O units. |
softbody | Simulation of beam models and other soft bodies. |
swig | Define helper functions and all the classes that are being wrapped by SWIG. The wrapped classes are defined as typedefs of other classes in RobWork. |
calibration | |
RobWorkStudio | RobWorkStudio extension libraries |
RobWorkStudio Extension Libraries | RobWorkStudio extension libraries |
▼RobWorkSim | Physics based Simulation and Control of robots and sensors |
Contacts | Contact Detection. |
Controllers | |
Dynamics | |
Log | Logging system for dynamic simulation. |
Simulator | Dynamic simulation. |
Sensors | |
Drawable | |
rwphysics | |
Utilities | Utilities. |
▼RobWorkSim libraries | Physics engines, GUI & Plugins, and script interface |
Bullet | The Bullet engine implementation. |
Open Dynamics Engine | The Open Dynamics Engine implementation. |
RobWorkSim GUI | GUI elements related to RobWorkSim. |
RobWorkSim Plugins | RobWorkStudio plugins providing RobWorkSim functionality. |
RobWorkPhysicsEngine | The RobWorkPhysicsEngine implementation. |
RobWorkSim Test Case Library | Test case library for RobWorkSim. |
Tools related to dynamic simulation. | Standalone tools related to simulation. |
RobWorkSim Extension Libraries | This group should contain all extension points of RobWork |
Sandbox | Compilable stuff under development should go into the sandbox group |
Plots | |
Rwsimlibs_swig |