RobWorkProject  23.9.11-
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 RobWorkRobWork library
 CoreMost basic types for RobWork.
 Common utilsVarious utilities and definitions of general use.
 MathMatrices, vectors, configurations, and more.
 KinematicsKinematic modelling.
 ModelsWorkcell and device models.
 Inverse KinematicsInverse kinematics interfaces and iksolver classes.
 PathplanningPath-planning for devices.
 GeometryLoading and storing of CAD models.
 ProximityInterfaces for collision checking and distance calculation.
 GraphicsGeneric scene graph related stuff.
 LoadersWorkcell loaders and other loaders.
 Extension PointsThis group should contain all extension points of RobWork
 SensorsSensor interfaces.
 PluginThe plugin infrastructure, including extension and extension point mechanism.
 TrajectoryTrajectory, path, interpolation and blending.
 TaskTask descriptions.
 SerializationSerialization framework
 RobWork Extension LibrariesExtension libraries for RobWork
 algorithmsVarious algorithms.
 assemblyAssembly strategies and task & result formats for assembly operations.
 GeometryCustom geometry implementations.
 MathematicaImplementation of the Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP) to allow communication with Mathematica.
 proximitystrategiesProximity strategies.
 dllDynamic library loading.
 OpenGLOpenGL drawing of workcells and geometries.
 pathplannersPath planners.
 luaA Lua interface to RobWork.
 osA collection of OS specific include configurations.
 pathoptimizationA collection of pathoptimization algorihms.
 simulationSimulation of cameras and other I/O units.
 softbodySimulation of beam models and other soft bodies.
 swigDefine helper functions and all the classes that are being wrapped by SWIG. The wrapped classes are defined as typedefs of other classes in RobWork.
 RobWorkStudioRobWorkStudio extension libraries
 RobWorkStudio Extension LibrariesRobWorkStudio extension libraries
 RobWorkSimPhysics based Simulation and Control of robots and sensors
 ContactsContact Detection.
 LogLogging system for dynamic simulation.
 SimulatorDynamic simulation.
 RobWorkSim librariesPhysics engines, GUI & Plugins, and script interface
 BulletThe Bullet engine implementation.
 Open Dynamics EngineThe Open Dynamics Engine implementation.
 RobWorkSim GUIGUI elements related to RobWorkSim.
 RobWorkSim PluginsRobWorkStudio plugins providing RobWorkSim functionality.
 RobWorkPhysicsEngineThe RobWorkPhysicsEngine implementation.
 RobWorkSim Test Case LibraryTest case library for RobWorkSim.
 Tools related to dynamic simulation.Standalone tools related to simulation.
 RobWorkSim Extension LibrariesThis group should contain all extension points of RobWork
 SandboxCompilable stuff under development should go into the sandbox group