![]() |
This is the complete list of members for BodyController, including all inherited members.
_datas | Stateless | protected |
_registered | Stateless | protected |
_stateStruct | Stateless | protected |
add(StatelessData< T > &data) | Stateless | inlineprotected |
add(StateData *data) | Stateless | inlineprotected |
add(rw::core::Ptr< StateData > data) | Stateless | inlineprotected |
BodyController(const std::string &name) | BodyController | |
Controller(const std::string &name) | Controller | inlineprotected |
disableBodyControl(rw::core::Ptr< rwsim::dynamics::Body > body) | BodyController | |
disableBodyControl() | BodyController | |
getControllerHandle(rwlibs::simulation::Simulator::Ptr sim) | BodyController | inline |
rwlibs::simulation::SimulatedController::getControllerHandle(rw::core::Ptr< rwlibs::simulation::Simulator > sim)=0 | SimulatedController | pure virtual |
getControllerModel() | SimulatedController | inline |
getControllerName() | BodyController | inlinevirtual |
getName() const | Controller | inline |
getStateStructure() | Stateless | inline |
getStateStructure() const | Stateless | inline |
getTarget(rw::core::Ptr< rwsim::dynamics::Body > body) | BodyController | |
getTargetTrajectory(rw::core::Ptr< rwsim::dynamics::Body > body) | BodyController | |
isEnabled() const | BodyController | inlinevirtual |
isRegistered() | Stateless | inline |
Ptr typedef | BodyController | |
registerIn(State &state) | Stateless | virtual |
registerIn(StateStructure::Ptr state) | Stateless | virtual |
reset(const rw::kinematics::State &state) | BodyController | virtual |
setEnabled(bool enabled) | BodyController | inlinevirtual |
setForceTarget(rw::core::Ptr< rwsim::dynamics::Body > body, rw::math::Vector3D<> force, rw::math::Vector3D<> torque) | BodyController | |
setName(const std::string &name) | Controller | inline |
setTarget(rw::core::Ptr< rwsim::dynamics::Body > body, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &target, const rw::kinematics::State &state, double maxLinVel=0.5, double maxLinAcc=1.0, double maxAngVel=0.4, double maxAngAcc=1.0) | BodyController | |
setTarget(rw::core::Ptr< rwsim::dynamics::Body > body, rw::trajectory::Trajectory< rw::math::Transform3D<>>::Ptr traj) | BodyController | |
setTarget(rw::core::Ptr< rwsim::dynamics::Body > body, const rw::math::VelocityScrew6D<> &velocity) | BodyController | |
SimulatedController(rw::models::ControllerModel::Ptr model) | SimulatedController | protected |
Stateless() | Stateless | inlineprotected |
unregister() | Stateless | virtual |
update(const rwlibs::simulation::Simulator::UpdateInfo &info, rw::kinematics::State &state) | BodyController | virtual |
~BodyController() | BodyController | virtual |
~Controller() | Controller | inlinevirtual |
~Stateless() | Stateless | inlinevirtual |