![]() |
This is the complete list of members for BtContactStrategy, including all inherited members.
_propertyMap | ContactStrategy | protected |
_threads | ProximityStrategy | protected |
addGeometry(rw::proximity::ProximityModel *model, const rw::geometry::Geometry &geom) | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
addGeometry(rw::proximity::ProximityModel *model, rw::core::Ptr< rw::geometry::Geometry > geom, bool forceCopy=true) | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
addModel(rw::core::Ptr< rw::models::Object > object) | ProximityStrategy | virtual |
addModel(const rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > frame, const rw::geometry::Geometry &faces) | ProximityStrategy | virtual |
addModel(const rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > frame, rw::core::Ptr< rw::geometry::Geometry > faces, bool forceCopy=false) | ProximityStrategy | virtual |
BtContactStrategy() | BtContactStrategy | |
clear() | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
clearFrame(const rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > frame) | ProximityStrategy | virtual |
clearFrames() | ProximityStrategy | virtual |
ContactStrategy() | ContactStrategy | inline |
createModel() | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
DEPRECATED("This function is deprecated due to a spelling mistake, use the correct " "spelling \"getGeometries\" instead") std (defined in ProximityStrategy) | ProximityStrategy | inline |
destroyModel(rw::proximity::ProximityModel *model) | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
findContacts(rw::proximity::ProximityModel::Ptr a, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &wTa, rw::proximity::ProximityModel::Ptr b, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &wTb, rwsim::contacts::ContactStrategyData &data, rwsim::contacts::ContactStrategyTracking &tracking, rwsim::log::SimulatorLogScope *log=NULL) const | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
rwsim::contacts::ContactStrategy::findContacts(rw::proximity::ProximityModel::Ptr a, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &wTa, rw::proximity::ProximityModel::Ptr b, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &wTb) const | ContactStrategy | virtual |
rwsim::contacts::ContactStrategy::findContacts(rw::proximity::ProximityModel::Ptr a, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &wTa, rw::proximity::ProximityModel::Ptr b, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &wTb, ContactStrategyData &data) const | ContactStrategy | virtual |
getGeometries(rw::proximity::ProximityModel *model) | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
getGeometryIDs(rw::proximity::ProximityModel *model) | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
getModel(const rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > frame) | ProximityStrategy | |
getName() | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
getPropertyMap() | ContactStrategy | virtual |
getPropertyMap() const | ContactStrategy | virtual |
getThreshold() const | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
hasModel(const rw::core::Ptr< rw::kinematics::Frame > frame) | ProximityStrategy | virtual |
match(rw::core::Ptr< const rw::geometry::GeometryData > geoA, rw::core::Ptr< const rw::geometry::GeometryData > geoB) | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
ProximityStrategy() | ProximityStrategy | protected |
Ptr typedef | BtContactStrategy | |
removeGeometry(rw::proximity::ProximityModel *model, const std::string &geomId) | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
setPropertyMap(const rw::core::PropertyMap &map) | ContactStrategy | virtual |
updateContacts(rw::proximity::ProximityModel::Ptr a, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &wTa, rw::proximity::ProximityModel::Ptr b, const rw::math::Transform3D<> &wTb, rwsim::contacts::ContactStrategyData &data, rwsim::contacts::ContactStrategyTracking &tracking, rwsim::log::SimulatorLogScope *log=NULL) const | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
useThreads(int threads) | ProximityStrategy | |
~BtContactStrategy() | BtContactStrategy | virtual |
~ContactStrategy() | ContactStrategy | inlinevirtual |
~ProximityStrategy() | ProximityStrategy | virtual |